Mac Studio Fix VS The Body Shop All In One Foundation Powder

MAC vs The Body Shop
When it comes to covering my flaws, I like to use a powder foundation than liquid foundation. I have never been a fan of using liquid foundation, the first time I ever tried a liquid foundation was when I was 22 years old, I can still remember not really wanting to go out and buying foundation because the thought of clogging all my pores and applying a thick layer of coloured liquid makes made me shiver! Anyway, I had decided to go buy one as it was the University summer ball and I decided to try foundation to make my skin look flawless as there would be lots of photographs involved!

I first tried powder foundation when I was 25 years old, it was recommended by a wonderful counter seller from Debenams. Since then, I was hooked!! It made my skin so flawless and brighter, I could hide my flaws easily and not have a thick layer of liquid over my face made me have more confidence!!

I see an awful lot of people wearing thick foundation, colour that doesn't even match them totally puts me off. Too much make up really hides the face and I don't agree with that. I don't understand why people go over the top with the make up to look better? Natural features is beautiful in itself, you can contour to make your features stand out and if you have bad skin then why don't you do something about it? Maybe you have tried various products but just haven't found the right ones?

I hate going clothes shopping and there are foundation marks on the items, it totally puts me off trying it on and it's not fair on the stores that have to sell the items.
I feel sorry for those wearing foundation when it's raining or if they sweat! The foundation just starts melting - not a good look lol!!

Powder foundation can come in different shades, pink or yellow undertones.
I find it very difficult to find my correct skin tone as my face is lighter than the rest of my body and I am a golden undertone. I have found my perfect shade from The Body Shop and I have gone back to get it over and over again.

The Body Shop do 2 types of powder foundation, their best seller all in one and also another best seller Extra Virgin Minerals™ Loose Powder Foundation . I have tried both and my favourite is definitely the all in one powder.
For £14.00 per compact, there is 9g (0.3oz) of product, it would last me atleast a month and half if I was to use it every day.
In the stores there are 6 shades, I am shade number 6 which is their darkest. Online, they have 3 extra shades which are the in between's but I find the shade number 6 suits me best as I don't want the shade to be too dark or too light.

It claims to give:
Using Body Shops' all-in-one face powder
  • Matte finish
  • Velvety feel
  • No added fragrance

    Which I can clarify all is true. 

  • shade for me is as perfect as it can be, but if my face becomes darker I just apply another layer but no more than 2 layers 
  • lightweight feel to the skin, it doesn't feel heavy at all
  • light and small compact easy for my handbag
  • includes a sponge for application when you're out and about
  • affordable high street price for a good quality make up product
  • can mix this with a wet brush for a smoother and liquid type foundation (this option I don't use but have tried)
  • pink and yellow undertones available in the 6 shades


  • can become bitty at the end of finished product and they fall out and stain the carpet
  • when you apply more than 2 layers on the face, it starts cracking on the face and is very visible to the face especially if the shade isn't correct
  •  not enough shades available for every skin tone
  • when you use it with a wet brush, it's not easy to have a smooth application on all areas of the face, it can become blotchy which is why I chose not to use it wet

The compared item is one from Mac which is also another world wide company, very famous for it's shades and how true the colours are. A lot of celebrities use Mac and also for important events such as weddings.
Mac offer a wide range of foundations from powder to liquid and the choice of shades is amazing!! Usually the staff at the counters are very helpful and give lots of recommendations in terms of your shades to help you find the right shade and the type of foundation you need. I was recommended the NC25 but the shade was far too light for me. I was disappointed and even after trying the NC25 in the store, I was telling the staff it was too light for me but she says for my skin tone it is perfect and give it a few minutes, the skin will react with the foundation and it will blend in?  I trusted her opinion and after about 4 hours later, the foundation was far too light. I then thought I would try it again at home by using my own brushes but still, not the right shade! I went back to the store and was told I couldn't exchange as it's been opened and used?! In America it is exchangeable but not here in England!

Anyway, after buying more than 1 pot of the Mac Studio Fix Foundation I decided to use the shade which I thought was the correct one for me.
For £20.50 there is 15g / 0.52 US oz of the product which is just over an extra half of the product compared to all in one foundation which is pretty good value for money.

I was recommended to try the Studio Fix Foundation by the staff at the counter and hearing the raved reviews on youtube made me go and buy! 
It claims to:

  • Studio Fix is a powder and foundation in one that combines good coverage with ease of application. Designed to be used dry, the powder and pigments create a matte, velvety texture. It contains Silica, which helps to maintain a matte finish by absorbing oils on the skin, as well as Talc to provide a smoother, less reflective, matte finish. The talc has been milled to a microscopic size to provide a beautiful texture while allowing the skin to breathe. It is available in a wide range of colours. It can be applied with a brush, sponge, or a powder puff.

  • there are 43 shades for this foundation
  • can be used dry or wet
  • comes with a sponge
  • able to put in my handbag for touch ups

  • too powdery on the skin
  • flakes off within the hour
  • when the skin gets wet or oily like my nose area, the foundation melts off
  • I have to mix 2 shades to find the correct shade but it is difficult to find the correct shade even with the wide variety of shades
  • when the powder is wet, it goes blotchy - doesn't make the face look like it is covered up completely
  • powder fades and becomes blotchy within 4 hours and I have normal combination skin
  • colour looks lighter on the skin even after it has set with or without a make up setting spray


I like the fact there are mirrors in both contacts, it means I don't need to carry an extra item in my bag!

hehe do you like my phone sticker at the back of my phone? hehe!!

As you can see, I have completely finished the one on the right which is from the Body Shop. The one that looks used but not even half used it from Mac. I definitely prefer the Body Shop one just from 1 simple coat of it on my face, or even to use it to set my make up , it works brilliantly.
My skin loves it and I get so much compliments about it!

The quality is definitely different .........

I would not buy the Studio Fix powder ever again, but definately have been repurchasing the Body Shop one over and over again as I love using it to countour, face base, setting powder! All-in-one for me at an affordable price!


Warming Masks Product Review

Warming Face Mask from Body Shop
I use to think that warming face masks were kinda weird and cool at the same time but as time went on, I decided I prefer to not use them for several reasons. One would be because it would always irritate my sensitive skin, and also the fact that the heat on the face would feel like it's doing it good, it actually isn't.

I must admit, I like the fact that it does heat up on my face, I think it's a clever idea to feel it reacting on the skin but that isn't necessarily the best thing for the skin. Once the skin is warm, pores open up, then we should use cold water to close up the pores but what happens if it's humid and you have just washed your face with cold water? The dirt still goes deep into your pores therefore finding products that can open pores and cleanse deep into those pores without any harmful tools is worth buying.

I don't believe in surgical interventions to look younger, looking good and feeling good is VERY important to me! 

I purchased this product from The Body Shop a few months ago as I enjoy using clay masks.
 I first tried a heated face mask when I was about 16, it was my moms and I wanted to know what it was so when I used it I was like 'WOW!! It really does heat up!!' haha!

For £10, there is 100ml of product, and I tend to use quite a large dollop on my face as I feel that the thin layer I apply doesn't feel like it sticks on the face as much. I have used it about 8 times and only about half the bottle has been used but depending on how much of the product you use each time, it could last you a bit longer than me.

The product comes out from the bottom of the tube and it sits upwards on a flat service which means once the lid opens, the product squirts out, hence why the lid doesn't look clean!

The product isn't hard to squeeze out of the tube unlike some I have tried in the past, and the lid flips open/close and locks in place so it is very secure and does not spill out.

The product claims:
  •  to be suitable for all skin types leaving the skin clean and revitalised.
  • Cleansing
  • Oil-absorbing
  • Weekly treatment
I have sensitive, dry/combination skin, I find that it is too harsh for my face and it irritated it for a few days. My face goes red and itchy then blotchy of dry skin. I don't have must natural oil on my skin therefore it dries out the skin and causes it to be painful.

2 layers of product

I did use this weekly, but then after a few treatments, I felt that my skin was tight and dry which irritated me and I hated it, had to apply night cream even in the day time.

The back of the product states that you can use it once or twice a week, I think once per week is enough for me but for those who have oily skin then they can use it twice a week.

It is advised to leave it on the skin for 5 minutes, for me that is way too long, 1-2 minutes is enough for me , although the skin does cool down from the 3-4th minute on the face.

I wash it off with cold water, it takes a while to wash off as the product is thick like PVA glue. My skin feels tight, dry and red, like I have been out in the sun without applying SPF cream! it's quite frightening to be honest, especially because I thought my skin would look and feel more cleansed!
after the product is washed off

This is my skin after I have washed the product off my face.
As you can see my cheeks are red and also my forehead. They remain red for a few hours as the skin is damaged from the heat of the cleanser.

What I do is I shower, then when the face is clean, I apply a thin amount with my fingers. I then apply another layer on, but its too thick and sticky, and very difficult to spread evenly without pulling the skin on my face!!! Annoying....  then pretty much straight away, I can feel my face being heated up, I leave it on for about 5-10 minutes in total. My face feels over heated up and itchy after about 10 minutes so I wash it off with cool water and my fingers, then pat it to dry. I usually find bumps on my face in certain areas, and they get itchy and burn. That's how I know this product isn't working for me and I have tried to use it a few times before! I give up......


  • definitely has the heated sensation on the skin
  • affordable price for a product that not many brands have
  •  The Body Shop is available outside of UK (prices may vary)
  • product comes in a squeezy tube and the lid is situated at the bottom which makes it easier for the product to come out

  • skin would feel tight after each use
  • does not clear my black heads
  • irritates my skin
  • have to use quite a lot more than just a smear of product to my face
  •  not suitable for sensitive or dry skin
  • the scent is quite strong
  • the product is too sticky, hard to wash off the skin
  • have to apply a thick generous layer on the skin to make it even all over the face
Personally I would like to use products which maintain my skin's natural oil's and not make me itch my face, this one totally irritates it and now I have stopped using heated face products as I am worried it will ruin my skins' natural oils. 
For the price I paid, it didn't do me any favours and I would rather much spend my money on products that my skin would love.
 Everyone has different skin textures and skin types so it may work for others, and it may not. Unfortunately it didn't work for me but I am glad I tried it! I personally don't like the after effects of this product, I would recommend it for those who have oily skin but not thin skin or skin with lots of acne as it may do damage than good.


Fashion Friday: Crop Tops With Skirts

Ever see a cropped top you like but afraid to buy because you dont have to confidence to wear it and show off your tummy or abs? I do!!! *hands up in he air* I dont have good abs or anything to show so I hide it, but a good way to wear the crop tops is to wear something that you can pull up like high waisted shorts, jeans, trousers or skirts.

I love wearing skirts, I think they are so versatile either you can dress up or dress down, crop tops or tucked in tops or even let the tops hang over the skirts.

Top - New Look
Skirt - Forever 21
Belt - Primark

If you have a mid length skirt or a skirt similar to this, it's worth changing the style by pulling it up to the waist and matching it with a short top , it's totally up to you if you want to show some of your stomach, then attach a thin belt. This gives the illusion of a more defined figure.

I have mega wide hips so it's difficult for me to find skirts to fit me on the hips, I buy skirts that have elastic at the top and holes for belts. This can give the illusion of a more defined figure without looking like you just ate 10 pies and be comfortable on the stomach. As you can see from the picture on the right, my hips are where my hands are and they are so wide, the top of the skirt just sits nicely above it.

This whole outfit was less than £20 bought from high street shops which is very versatile and affordable. You could always mix n match with other items in your wardrobe.

I like a splash of color for skirts as you can change the outfit style by using different colours and patterns.

I find that this style helps to define my figure a bit more and it's comfortable as I don't show of your tummy, especially if it's not flat.

So if you're looking to team up your skirts and tops then try this style =]

Have fun guys


I cut my toe!

As mentioned in my previous post I have really bad foot issues.... it use to be something I never talked about but now I am open to talk about a lot of things because everyone is different and I would want everyone to appreciate my 'flaws' as I am not perfect, no one is.

I would like to like my feet but with the state they are in - it is impossible so I care for them a lot more now.
Without my feet I wouldn't be able to walk, go to see people, go to work, dance, wear my shoes, paint my toe nails, stand on my tip toes and pretend to be a ballerina, jog, or run. I would be so lost without my feet, or any part of my body to be honest.

I use a callus blade to look after my feet, along with a foot filer and my creams. I have very long toes and its difficult to find the right pair of shoes to fit me properly as my toes are so long. It's not easy looking for a pair of nice peep toe shoes without my toes looking like fingers haha..... so my toes kinda curl, they aren't flat.
Ok, so at this point you will think am an alien or some sort of half human thing but it's not my fault lol!! My end toes have thicker skin as they rub against my shoes, so I get the hard skin removed by my chiropodist or I use a callus blade myself.
You have got to be so careful when using blades, I never knew how sharp these callus blades were until it went into the skin, and I didn't really feel it cut into the skin.... then blood all over my foot and floor ... woopsy.
this was the second plaster I put on!!

Then my little toe became so sore, I covered it up with a plaster then put on Nu Skin's Enhancer gel to help it heal and ease the pain.

Am I the only one with this problem with my feet?!?!

Much Love

Flexitol Foot Cream Product Review

This post might sound disgusting but I blog about alot of things and it's so important to share! Don't worry, there aren't any photos of my feet lol! I don't dare do that, it will put you guys off from coming back to my blog lolz!

I am up on my feet for atleast 10 hours per day!! that's atleast 70 hours per week!! incredible how I am still able to walk! I don't wear heels often due to several reasons, mainly because I work as a nurse and we aren't allowed to wear heels anyway! With the amount of pressure on my feet, you can imagine how hard the skin feels, I have a very high arched feet and a lot of pressure is situated at the front of my feet so you can imagine how badly treated my poor feet are! I don't even think you can imagine the pain I am in when I get home from a long shift.....

A lot of us abandon our feet, we only care about it when we are showing it, but without our feet where would we be? Our feet takes us to places, helps us swim, carries our weight, and more!

So about my feet..... the most un-feminine part of this blog post.... I don't want to hide things from you so I may aswell tell you like how it is hehe! Like I have mentioned, I have a very high arched feet, I never knew it was not what everyone else had, I use to be able to walk in might high heels, but since I was later teenager, I just couldn't. I began having blisters since I was a kid, calluses, veruca's, everything! Now, my feet are so damaged, I have seen a chiropodist and they have said I need to have surgery to get my feet to be flat.
It's so difficult for me to buy stylish shoes that are comfortable, I mean, having wide feet doesn't help either! so that's that idea out of the window, I have so much trouble finding the right pair of shoes to fit me and make me feel comfortable in, and yet stylish to match my outfits - it's a nightmare!
I have thick skinned feet, I see my chiropodist every 4-6 months for a full review and also have my calluses professionally removed with the tools and also top up on buying the foot cream.

I have tried to use the pumice stones in the bath, out the bath, ped-eggs after a shower and when the feet are completely dry (apparently they are the worse things to use for thick skinned feet! just shaving he layers of the dead skin off doesn't solve the problems), soaking them in water and filing them, you name it - it doesn't work!! I was almost giving up to be honest with you and that was when I met my lovely chiropodist who gave me the confidence to take the socks of and reveal my awful feel!! From that day, I never regretted making that appointment to consult her about my terrible painful condition and I am glad I am not the only one either!

I now use a callus remover blade with the tool, a foot filer and foot cream. Of course, like any blade, you must take extra care in using it on your skin, I have cut myself a few times and left blood trails around my apartment but as long as the hard calluses are gone then I am content!!

I have tried using all sorts of creams for my feet believe me and I have found 2 to be very effective so far. The amount of money I have spend to make my feet to feel less painful are quite scary! Not many people care about their feet, until they start wearing sandals ....... then they panic!! I look after my feet all year around to avoid that panic. There's nothing worse than going out in shorts and a T with sandals and thick dry skin on your feet? EWWW....

Let's face it, we hide our feet as much as we can, unless you were just born with good feet and you don't stay up on your feet all day long like some people do.... 

One of my favourite foot creams that I have bought over and over again is this Flexitol foot cream. Why? well, it is a well known brand specialising in feet, it does exactly what it says/shows, there is nothing more than evidence and recommendations from feet specialists, I decided to give it a go and waited patiently for fantastic results, which I got within a few days! It's perfect for those with thick calluses and dried thick heels, this helps the skin to feel smooth but then you got to file it down or get them removed. I suggest you seek a professional chiropodist to give you some advice as the bladed callus remover can easily cut the skin and possibly cause infections!

It claims to:

  • Scientifically formulated
  • Results in 3 days 
  • Hydrates dry, cracked heels and feet.

  • it does exactly give you the results of what it shows/says
  • a little goes a long way, 1 tube would last me about 3 weeks when I use it twice a day
  • see the amazing results within a few days
  • medically proven to work with photographic evidence
  • definitely hydrates the thick heels and feet

  • greasy feeling, I always slip around my laminate flooring
  • not available in drug stores all the time as it is a huge sell out product all year round
  • feels a bit sticky at times, not comfortable on my feet
  •  it's a bit of a pain to squeeze out once the product is coming to an end as so much air fills the tube so I have to really battle with it to getting the last few drops of it

It's not always available in shops as it's a huge sell out in drug stores, it's easy to find online, I tend to purchase it on amazon as it's cheaper, for less than £6 including delivery. Sometimes there are special offers at drug stores so that's when I am most likely to purchase as I know it's a real bargain and I have tried this more than a few times!

This product is suitable for those who are on their feet for long hours, they develop hard skin and then it becomes difficult to get rid of but this cream is the start to the solution! The skin becomes soft and easier to file down, I never thought I would ever try a product that would give me the re-assurance that my feet can be saved lol!! 
Not recommended for open wound on the feet as it may cause an infection, especially those who are diabetic and have foot ulcers. Please read the warning before purchasing!

 Have happy feet!


Uniq One Hair Treatment Spray Product Review

Every time I blow dry my hair, I must use a heat protectant on my hair! If the sun is out then a few sprays on my hair is a MUST!! My hair use to dry out so much due to the excessive heat and I wash my hair everyday, even though it's meant to be bad for you, washing out your natural hair oils, drying the hair out, can attract nits etc.

I recently wrote a review for another heat protectant spray I have continuously bought and used over and over again, click here to read it .

I also have enjoyed using this one by Uniq One , it was recommended by my amazing hair dresser back in Hong Kong.

Uniq One is an innovative hair care brand which creates effective hair care treatments to nourish, hydrate and perfect hair, (as stated by Beauty Bay which is an online beauty store available world wide).

The bottle has lasted me for a good 6 months! I love how evenly the lotion sprays out, and the effects is pretty good and decent!

It was roughly $150hk , which is about £12uk - quite an expensive price especially if the brand is unknown to you but I trust my hair dresser completely as he has been cutting my hair for over 10 years now. Believe me, I have tried different hair styles, and I don't let anyone cut my hair!! 

Not only did the red colour bottle attracted me to want to try this, but also the fact that is is an all-in-one hair treatment. \

It claims to:

1. Repair for dry and damaged hair.
2. Shine and frizz control.
3. Heat protection.
4. Silkiness and smoothness.
5. Hair colour protection/with UVA and UVB filters.
6. Easier brushing and ironing.
7. Incredible detangling.
8. Long-lasting hairstyle.
9. Split ends prevention.
10. Adds body.

From my experience, I have experienced all 10 of those above from my very first use.
The scent of this spray is quite strong! Even after the hair is dried, it is long lasting on the hair! So if you are a person who don't like heavy scented products then you might not like this!
The results are very good and true, my hair is very smooth and manageable on the next day, and a lot of people have commented on the shininess of my hair.

If your hair is already damaged then you cannot save it by using products, it is only short term fix but long term fix you would have to cut it off! painful - I know but if you want healthy hair then cut off the damaged hair and then look after the hair even more hence why you should consider purchasing good products that really works!

I don't have coloured hair as I haven't dyed it for quite a few years now, the last time I dyed it was about 3 years ago to black as my hair goes to a lighter brown from the sun, this spray protects my hair and I don't feel my scalp burning as hot in the sun (when we get any in the UK that is). However, I cannot say if this is good for coloured hair or not as my previous hair dye has grown out and chopped off!


  • makes my hair look so silky and smooth
  • it does feel like my hair is protected well as it doesn't dry up after using heat appliances on it
  • there is quite a lot of product that is dispersed from the spray per pump
  • the bottle has lasted me for 3-4 months which is good considering I use it every single day
  • the formula is actually creamy but it squirts out from the pump as liquid
  • can be used on dry or wet hair and is very effective with the heat appliances

  • scent may be too strong for those who don't like heavy scents, and it lingers on the hair even the next day
  • can make the hair feel sticky when you spray too much
  • not easy to get hold of in stores, I have never seen this product in stores in the UK but only online
  • not a brand many people have heard of therefore they won't want to try

When I want to volumise my hair later on in the day, I spray this on my dry hair then use a hair dryer and it still makes my hair feel fresh, smooth, volumised and smells great! Not a lot of spray's can do this and this works so well with my GHD's or my curlers! IT makes my hair remain smooth, shiny and slick after direct hot heat has been applied, it really does protect my hair well and I have grown to love this product it even more!
I also love the fact that the lotion does not tip out, but it comes out as liquid form from the spray, how amazing is that?!

I use mine on my damp hair after I wash it, I spray a fairly equal amount all over my hair concentrating on the roots and tip to protect the split ends and hair fall out as I do suffer from that. Luckily my hair is hardly in tangles but I find that it makes my hair feel smoother.I would half air dry or air dry the hair for as long as possible, then I use my hair dryer set to medium heat. As you can imagine with long hair, it can damage the hair but this spray helps to keep the hair looking slick, smooth and more manageable. 

I personally don't like all-in-one products but I am really glad my hair dresser recommended this to me and it's been incredible to use! I would definatly re-purchase it again!
I would highly recommend this for people who want to try a product that really works! No point in wasting more money on products that don't work right?

Hope you enjoy using it as much as I did!


Fashion Friday: Smart Jacket

To have a decent jacket would make a difference to the whole outfit. I would personally spend a bit more money on jackets/coats than my outfits.

Outerwear are statement pieces for me, even if I was to wear jeans and a t-shirt, the jacket makes the whole outfit a totally different style. I like wearing all one colour then adding a pop of colour simply by wearing a bright colour jacket or textured jacket would endorse the style for the day.

I have a long body, wide hips, broad shoulders, they are my problems to finding tops/jackets/coats to look right for me. I see a lot of stylish garments on people, magazines, adverts, I have a hard time deciding if it would look or bad on me. I prefer fitted garments than lose fitting ones because it shows my curves more. I personally think that it is a positive thing to do when you show off what you got, everyone is different and we always want what we can't have - we are people looking good in their own ways so why don't we make the most of our body shapes and sizes? Be confident., be proud of what you have. If you haven't then do something about it! 

I found this gorgeous black jacket from Zara last autumn 2012 when I was browsing and I almost fainted because I fell in love with it. I didnt make the purchase because I thought it would look terrible on me and I thought " if I go home and if I can't stop thinking about it then I will but it!" I honestly couldn't sleep lol!! I went back to my nearest Zara store but they only had 1 size and I wasn't too sure if the size would fit me? I then went home to purchase it online in 2 sizes and keep the one that fitted.
I finally received the jacket, it arrived in a big box and it arrived in just a few days! I enjoy ordering from Zara online. There are quite a lot of sale items from there that you can't see in the stores! So another reason to shop online..... Haha!! So convenient !

I love the way this jacket has 2 textured, leather and fabric, lines with thick gold zips for the pockets on the sides and also down the middle which is situated more of the left side than the middle, that changes the whole style of a typical smart jacket. I love my handbags and jackets to have thick gold zips, it makes the item look more classy and stylish.

I teamed my black outfit with this fitted cropped smart jacket which made the outfit look classy and feminine.
The jacket is slightly heavy but that is because the jacket is made very well with real genuine leather, genuinely good zipper and heavy stitching. I team this jacket with a lot of my outfits to make the whole outfit look stylish and sophisticated. 
There are a lot of similar styles to this jacket and different textures, depending on how much you are willing to pay for a long term investment. I spent £80 on the jacket which I thought was a good decent price as it would last me all year and for atleast 2 years which would mean I would spent £40 maximum  per year. If I get too warm I wear it over my shoulders and the would give the style a more relaxed but also classy style. I always justify my purchases this way as it is more logical to me. 
Everyone is different and we all spend our money differently but understand why you would make the purchase in the first place is very important! 

Hope this helps!


Chanel Nail Polish 455 Lotus Rouge Product Review

This is my first Chanel nail polish product I have ever owned. I love the shade variety there is and also the packaging is very simple but the logo really stands out, which attracts me to their products.

A few of my friends own the Chanel nail polishes and their other products but for me, I didn't know too much about the science of the products and what it would do for me.

Of course, the price isn't cheap for a luxurious brand, I wanted to know what the hype was all about! I wanted to know why the nail polishes were 'amazing' and why my friends own a whole handful of them!

First of all, it comes with this posh luxurious bag, ideal for a gift.

Simple, black and white.

There is also a Chanel ribbon attached which just makes the whole gift look luxurious!

I love things wrapped and ribboned, this just blew me away, I didn't care if the bag was empty or not LOL! The packaging itself looked so fancy I didn't want to open it.

I was actually looking for 'fire 159' red shade to match my current phone case but the lady at the counter said it had been discontinued so I decided to go for another shade of red which was 455 Lotus Rouge.
I personally am not a red lover, I don't own many nail polishes and I would never go out my way to buy red colour nail polish but I fancied a change and see what I could get out of it. I decided to try a Chanel nail polish and see if it would be impressive or not.

There were so many shades of red, it totally confused me and of coruse once it is applied to the nails, its not exactly the shade as the one from magazines or the bottle so I decided to go for a medium red.

The box is quick simple but with a lot of text. Black background, white text and gold at the bottom at the front and sides.

The box is just about the size of the bottle of polish, and the quality of the box is sturdy too.

The top of the box states the shade name and number.

I like how the lid can come off the top of the polish lid, I don't know what I would do with the empty lid to be honest but its very different to any other polishes I have ever tried.

For £18, there is 13ml of the product in the bottle. It sure is pricey but for a designer brand, that was to be expected right? I still can't believe I paid that much for it! but atleast I can say I did try it. 

Prices are more or less the same, there aren't any special prices as it would de-value the product but some places like online stores may increase the price, especially if the product is limited edition. I would advise people to look online at store prices.

I like the thickness of the brush as it means I don't need to do as many strokes of the polish and making the polish look so thick on my nails. The brush is very soft, which makes the product sit well on the brush.

I personally think there are drug store dupes that would be just as good such as ELF 'smokin hot', Barry M - 262 Bright Red/red wine, Rimmel 60 seconds - Rapid Ruby, Mac Factor gloss finish - Red Passion. Depends on your budget really.

So...... After the first coat of the polish of my nails, I personally thought it was too thin. The lotion consistency is not too thin and it isn't thick either. It glides on smoothly but I find that I need to go over my nails 3 times to cover the whole nail.

I had to apply 2 layers of the polish as only 1 coat was too thin and not make the nails look smoothly painted.

This is a picture of my nails after a week , as you can see there are a lot of dents, scratches and it doesn't stay as shiny. I used 2 coats of the polish and still I can see the polish is very thin on my nails. I decided to leave the nail polish without a layer of clear polish over to see how well it would last on my nails but this is the result. Was not totally what I had expected, especially for the price I paid and the hype on the market, the colour started to fade and didn't look pretty or glossy anymore. It disappointed me badly, but I still want to try the other colours to see how they would be on the nails.

  • pretty packaging for the box and bottles
  • pretty presentation bag and ribbon
  • wide range of shades
  • logo is neatly presented at the top of the lids

  • glossy look at first but it slowly fades
  • scratches easily
  • need more than 1 coat on the nails for the full effect of colour
  • too expensive for what it's worth
  •  bad quality
  • too many shades available and they look similar, but when you paint them on your nails, they aren't exact the colour in the bottle therefore choosing the right shade is difficult


Exfoliating Away Your Dead Skin Cells

from Superdrug for about £2.49
I use to wonder why would you wear gloves for your shower or bath and why do they kinda of feel rough and not smooth?

You can get the exfoliating gloves in alsorts of colours from different drug stores or companies, prices vary but I wouldn't pay too much for them as they all do the same thing - exfoliate the skin.

The first time I tried one of these exfoliating gloves was when I was about 20 years ago. I didn't have a clue what I was doing but I got the hang of it and also reading up in magazines for instructions also helped.

I find that by using the exfoliating gloves, it saves alot of time and bother when it comes to prepping the skin for the sun and to maintain the healthy glow all over my body.

Exfoliation is defined as the removal of surface dry skin cells.

 I would not recommend this for the face as the skin on the face is very delicate, there are other ways of exfoliating the face.

Using the exfoliating glove on areas such as the elbows, knees and your heels can really benefit the skin to exfoliating and becoming smooth because they bend and stretch the most which dry the skin and become thicker skin when it's not exfoliated. It can also resolve some skin problems in the near future ensuring your skin is healthy and glowing.

It really is no extra effort for me when it comes to exfoliating, it's actually a luxurious treat for the skin and at the end of the day, I will be thankful for it as it maintains my skins elasticity and youthfulness. It helps the products to work well in my skin and it is just an extra step added to my skin care regime once a week.

I exfoliate my whole body from shoulder to toes twice a week, face 2-3 times a week with my Galvanic Spa , exfoliate my lips once a week so I have smooth skin from head to toe!

If your skin becomes red, painful and looking irritated then it means you have over-exfoliated or used too much pressure on the skin. Let your skin heal and ensure you use a good soothing lotion on top of the skin. Over doing it can cause more damage than good, so it is important to be gentle to the epidermis.
The benefits of exfoliating is that it works below the epidermis, can help your skin texture to improve, promote collagen, promote efficient blood flow. Not only this, but it can also help the new skin to absorb the lotions. If your skin is exfoliated well then the lotion will sink into the skin straight away, if not then you know what to do !! Also another test you can do at home to see if you have dry skin cells on your skin is to take a piece of clear tape and apply it to the forehead. Rub it gently and remove. Look at the tape! If there are little pieces of flaky skin, then you need to exfoliate!

It is vital you moisturise after exfoliation so you can maintain the skin's smoothness and lock in the moisture.
I like to use a rich moisturiser with no alcohol in as the alcohol can make my skin feel tight and it irritates it so chose your moisturiser wisely.

Have fun~

Fashion Friday: The Boyfriend Jeans

Whoever thought of the boyfriend jeans style -  is amazing!! You don't have to be a male to wear these! Men's style can be so versatile for females, and comfortable, perfect for dressing down with abit of an edgy look teaming up with lots of accessories or a big jumper!

I love the boyfriend style, especially the jeans because it is so versatile! You can dress up or dress down with them and still look stylish!

Boyfriend jeans are suitable for weekdays, weekends day or night. They are basically men's style jeans as they are not fitted, slightly baggy but the bottom is slightly tapered or rolled up slightly.
They give the edgy look but also gives you the shape on the hips and not too tight on the thighs or legs.

They are so comfortable and it does not necessarily mean you have to take them from your boyfriend, the boyfriend is just a term to show they are the men's style.
Boyfriend jeans are meant to be low rise and have a cuff at the bottom for you to turn up. Some of them have rips for the more edgy look but you can add these yourself.

However, it is possibly to look classy simply by pairing them up with a pair of heels and a fitted top/smart jacket. For a relaxed look then just pair it up with a plain fitted top, I wore my long sleeve korean fashion top that has a unique design on the arms and front of the top.

 I decided to match my shoes with my handbag as I fancied adding a splash of electric blue to add some eccentric pieces to make the outfit stand out.

I personally think I look ridiculous in baggy style jeans so I rolled the bottom up slightly to give the edgy look, this can change the look completely. If you're short then I wouldn't recommend this as it would look like you're drowning in the jeans.

I would personally invest in a good pair of boyfriend jeans as you can wear them for a number of years. A cheaper pair may give you poor quality and would destroy the look you want to create, but for real denim you would be able to create your
looks better.

What I am wearing:

  • Top - Korean fashion from Hong Kong Causeway Bay
  • boyfriend jeans - River Island (3 years ago but they still have this style in store majority of the year but colours may vary)
  • belt - H&M
  • high tops - Ebay
  • hand bag - Kate Spade
  • scarf - Zara (2012 collection)
Some stores charge ridiculous amount for a pair of jeans, have a look at the men's section and don't be afraid to wear men's jeans. Fashion speaks for itself!



Artisan Chocolates Review

 My ultimate favourite chocolate brand in the UK is Artisan Du Chocolat and have been since the first time I tried their couture chocolates in 2011.
Couture Box 20 Pieces £17.00
I love how soft the chocolates are on my tongue and how smooth they are when they blend together with the intense flavours.

There are 38 couture chocolates with various types of flavours such as fruits, flowers, herbs, spices, nuts & seeds all different patterns and textures. There are also discs, truffles and pearls in various flavours and fantastic ideas for gifts.

I got this box for my birthday from my Best Friends and I had 20 pieces (to myself lol) filled with various flavours.

I love how pristine the box is and the chocolate patterns! 

I love Artisan because I love the presentation of the boxes, the chocolate pieces and the way they taste. They don't taste like any other chocolate and the quality is just amazing!
I really enjoy eating hand made chocolates, they give me the satisfaction of a very rewarding effort in each solid piece. To me, the presentation and quality is very important in good chocolates, otherwise why else would I pay such a money for an enjoyment?

From the moment the box is opened, there is already a clear high quality sticker on the front for the paper to be sealed together.
I got so excited to open them up!

BTW, I have never bought these for myself before as I always buy them for someone else hence why the total excitement I got!

How it works is, you chose what size you would like, either 4, 12, 20, 30, 56, or 99 pieces of the Couture Chocolates and then you chose which pieces of chocolates you would like. There is also the choice of a 20 piece pick & mix box where the staff just pick random ones for you but of course you can tell them which flavours you want to avoid. They are very helpful to match your criteria.

The staff are always very approachable and give very detailed recommendations. They know exactly what ingredients are in the chocolates and very respectful of your decisions. Good customer service is important, especially for a high quality chocolate company.

Artisan Du Chocolat is only available exclusively in Birmingham Selfridges, London Selfridges, London Borough Market, Manchester Trafford Centre Selfridges, Notting Hill Store, Chelsea Store. Click here for the store details.
They are freshly made, and can taste this in each of their products.

I highly recommend this as a gift idea for people you love, for chocolate lovers this is very ideal! I hope you all enjoy them just as much as I do every single time I eat them!

Biore Make Up Remover Product Review

 I came across this in Watson's (drug store, equivalent to Boots in UK) when I was in Hong Kong back in Nov/Dec 2012 and I was looking for a make up remover during my stay.

 I wasn't looking for a huge bottle of product, I just wanted it to last me for my few weeks of stay. That way, I have no commitment to taking it all the way back to UK with me and if I was to go to stay somewhere in Hong Kong, it won't be a hassle for me to carry around with me so I needed something that was not going to weigh a tonne!

It came with a freebie, which was a yellow headband to use whilst you take off your make up, I am still using it now and I love it!! We all love freebies every now and then don't we?

For less than £6, there is 100ml of product to use. 
This is made in Japan so I am guessing it is a japanese edition from the Biore range? It is quite difficult ot get hold of therefore they stock this in some SaSa drug stores and in big Watson's drugstore.

The product comes out via a pump function at the top of the bottom. 
You can see that the pump is drawn upward inside the bottle so when it is finished, the inside of the bottle is empty. (You can see I have used half of this bottle already).

Just one pump can give out enough of the product to wipe on the whole face. It is measured quite accurately but if you require less, you can still do half a pump if you wish. For me, I use less than a full pump as I only tend to wear mascara and fill in my eyebrows.
For those who use foundation, bronzer etc, then a full pump is recommended.

The part that attracted me to buying this was not only the useful freebie, but this indicator located at the side of the bottle. 
There is a clear window which can indicate when you are nearly finished with the product. It states in chinese/english that when the clear indicator turns white, then there is 10 pumps of the product remaining. I loved how clever this idea was and atleast I can prepare to buy another make up remover before it runs out completely!!

Not many products out there have this function and I thought this was very unique!

This is what the product looks like, it is a thick gel, clear in colour and this is just less than 1 full pump of the product so you can see how much I use each night.

There is a scent to this, it smells quite strong of aloe vera/tea which smells great but if you are not a fan of heavy scents then you may not like this!

The gel comes out cold-like and dissolves the make up on the face as soon as you put it on.

For me, I infuse it onto a piece of cotton pad, then I dab it on top of my eyes, lay the cotton pad over the eyes and tap it slightly so the product melts the make up, and then I leave it on for about 30 seconds before I take any of it off. This allows the make up to melt onto the cotton pad effectively and there is no use of heavy rubbing onto my eyes as it is a very sensitive area on the face. It's very easy to damage the tissues around the eye areas when you take make up off so ensuring you take great care to take off the eye make up as safely as possible is vital! Especially if you don't want to have fine lines/wrinkles so soon!

It promises to:

  • lift off and dissolve waterproof make up, foundation, lipstick and facial dirt from pores
  • cleanse the face without greasy feeling and no double cleansing is required
  • contains a moisturising agent that leaves the skin supple and no tight feeling
IT is recommended to use 2 pumps each time but I think that this is too much. I use half a pump each time and it doesn't make my skin feel comfortable so imagine using 2 whole pumps?!?!

For me, only half of the promise is true on my face. I wear waterproof mascara every single day, this does remove the waterproof mascara but not all. It also does not remove my lip liner well , there is still colour on my lips after my shower so I Have to use a cleansing oil to completely remove the traces of my make up.
When I put this on my face, it feels cool which is a nice feeling but it feels so thick, it doesn't make me feel like it sinks into the skin, instead, it sits on the surface of my skin. I always wash it off with cleansing oil, then cleanse and tone.
It doesn't dry out my skin at all, but it doesn't make it feel fully moisturised afterwards either. It makes the skin feel supple yes, but not in a good way, it just sits on the surface of my skin and the scent is so strong it doesn't secure me to think it has worked deep into my pores.


  • removes a good amount of my waterproof make up
  • has an indicator on the side of the bottle when I am almost finished using the bottle of product
  • reasonable price to last me for atleast 3 months of using it every day
  • has a pump to infuse the product out
  • can pump half each time
  • gel is clear, not infused with bits of chemical
  • there are english and chinese instructions

  • not available in UK
  • not available in all drug stores in HK
  • heavy scent
  • sits on the skin, not work deep into the pores
 I have had this product in my eyes a few times and it stings, my eyes stay red for a while and become very sore so becareful as the gel is quite watery when it sets on the face and it can melt into the eyes, especially when you use it to get rid of your eye make up.

 I wouldn't buy this product again due to the problems it has given me but I am grateful I found this and tried it!


Barry M Black and White Crackles Croc Nail Effect Product Review

Ever heard or seen the crackles effect on nails? It looks complicated but I can assure you it actually isn't!

I got to be honest here, I don't often paint my nails as I work in a hospital and due to infection control - we aren't allowed to.

I use to love decorating my nails and creating alsorts of patterns and making them look pretty, but now I can't! I can only paint my toe nails, which I hardly get to show them off to as I am in tights and shoes most of the year!

When I go paint my nails I like to make sure they are a statement piece for any outfit/looks.

I first discovered crackles from Barry M which is a UK company which specialises in alsorts of colours and popular for their dazzling colours and types of polishes! They also do lip liners, lipsticks, glosses and eye shadows!

You don't have to spend alot of money on the base colour, I got mine for less than £2, the croc effect polish was £3.99 and it will last you for atleast the use of 40 nails!

Here is an old video I did for the polish....

To achieve the nail crackles pattern, it is very simple.
Here is how to achieve the look:
  • file the nails to square/round tip
  • buffer and smooth the surface of your nails
  • apply a decent coat of white polish and wait for it to dry
  • carefully apply the black crackles polish over the white (tip: for bigger crackles, don't go over the same place more than once otherwise the crackles will be smaller)
  • wait for the magic to happen as it dries
  • apply a generous amount of clear polish over to secure the polish on your nails
It is that simple!!


  • amazing effect and can feel the texture on the nails
  • very detailed and all the patterns are different
  • easy to achieve with just 1 coat on each nail
  • don't stain the nails
  • there are a few different colours available for the crackles
  • different choice of patterns but limited in stores
  • affordable price from drugstores such as SuperdrugBoots 


  • for those who have wide nails like me, I need to carefully use the side of the brush to apply on the side of my nails, which would sometimes end up on the skin and the nails have smaller crackles in some places (but still look pretty!!)
  • defiantly need a top coat of clear polish otherwise the patterns would rip off after a few days
Perfect for a quick look and easy to do! Impress yourself and others around you by using the croc effect polish!

You can purchase the croc effects polish from big stores of Boots, or online at the Barry M site or trusted ebay sellers