Biore Make Up Remover Product Review

 I came across this in Watson's (drug store, equivalent to Boots in UK) when I was in Hong Kong back in Nov/Dec 2012 and I was looking for a make up remover during my stay.

 I wasn't looking for a huge bottle of product, I just wanted it to last me for my few weeks of stay. That way, I have no commitment to taking it all the way back to UK with me and if I was to go to stay somewhere in Hong Kong, it won't be a hassle for me to carry around with me so I needed something that was not going to weigh a tonne!

It came with a freebie, which was a yellow headband to use whilst you take off your make up, I am still using it now and I love it!! We all love freebies every now and then don't we?

For less than £6, there is 100ml of product to use. 
This is made in Japan so I am guessing it is a japanese edition from the Biore range? It is quite difficult ot get hold of therefore they stock this in some SaSa drug stores and in big Watson's drugstore.

The product comes out via a pump function at the top of the bottom. 
You can see that the pump is drawn upward inside the bottle so when it is finished, the inside of the bottle is empty. (You can see I have used half of this bottle already).

Just one pump can give out enough of the product to wipe on the whole face. It is measured quite accurately but if you require less, you can still do half a pump if you wish. For me, I use less than a full pump as I only tend to wear mascara and fill in my eyebrows.
For those who use foundation, bronzer etc, then a full pump is recommended.

The part that attracted me to buying this was not only the useful freebie, but this indicator located at the side of the bottle. 
There is a clear window which can indicate when you are nearly finished with the product. It states in chinese/english that when the clear indicator turns white, then there is 10 pumps of the product remaining. I loved how clever this idea was and atleast I can prepare to buy another make up remover before it runs out completely!!

Not many products out there have this function and I thought this was very unique!

This is what the product looks like, it is a thick gel, clear in colour and this is just less than 1 full pump of the product so you can see how much I use each night.

There is a scent to this, it smells quite strong of aloe vera/tea which smells great but if you are not a fan of heavy scents then you may not like this!

The gel comes out cold-like and dissolves the make up on the face as soon as you put it on.

For me, I infuse it onto a piece of cotton pad, then I dab it on top of my eyes, lay the cotton pad over the eyes and tap it slightly so the product melts the make up, and then I leave it on for about 30 seconds before I take any of it off. This allows the make up to melt onto the cotton pad effectively and there is no use of heavy rubbing onto my eyes as it is a very sensitive area on the face. It's very easy to damage the tissues around the eye areas when you take make up off so ensuring you take great care to take off the eye make up as safely as possible is vital! Especially if you don't want to have fine lines/wrinkles so soon!

It promises to:

  • lift off and dissolve waterproof make up, foundation, lipstick and facial dirt from pores
  • cleanse the face without greasy feeling and no double cleansing is required
  • contains a moisturising agent that leaves the skin supple and no tight feeling
IT is recommended to use 2 pumps each time but I think that this is too much. I use half a pump each time and it doesn't make my skin feel comfortable so imagine using 2 whole pumps?!?!

For me, only half of the promise is true on my face. I wear waterproof mascara every single day, this does remove the waterproof mascara but not all. It also does not remove my lip liner well , there is still colour on my lips after my shower so I Have to use a cleansing oil to completely remove the traces of my make up.
When I put this on my face, it feels cool which is a nice feeling but it feels so thick, it doesn't make me feel like it sinks into the skin, instead, it sits on the surface of my skin. I always wash it off with cleansing oil, then cleanse and tone.
It doesn't dry out my skin at all, but it doesn't make it feel fully moisturised afterwards either. It makes the skin feel supple yes, but not in a good way, it just sits on the surface of my skin and the scent is so strong it doesn't secure me to think it has worked deep into my pores.


  • removes a good amount of my waterproof make up
  • has an indicator on the side of the bottle when I am almost finished using the bottle of product
  • reasonable price to last me for atleast 3 months of using it every day
  • has a pump to infuse the product out
  • can pump half each time
  • gel is clear, not infused with bits of chemical
  • there are english and chinese instructions

  • not available in UK
  • not available in all drug stores in HK
  • heavy scent
  • sits on the skin, not work deep into the pores
 I have had this product in my eyes a few times and it stings, my eyes stay red for a while and become very sore so becareful as the gel is quite watery when it sets on the face and it can melt into the eyes, especially when you use it to get rid of your eye make up.

 I wouldn't buy this product again due to the problems it has given me but I am grateful I found this and tried it!


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