Chanel Nail Polish 455 Lotus Rouge Product Review

This is my first Chanel nail polish product I have ever owned. I love the shade variety there is and also the packaging is very simple but the logo really stands out, which attracts me to their products.

A few of my friends own the Chanel nail polishes and their other products but for me, I didn't know too much about the science of the products and what it would do for me.

Of course, the price isn't cheap for a luxurious brand, I wanted to know what the hype was all about! I wanted to know why the nail polishes were 'amazing' and why my friends own a whole handful of them!

First of all, it comes with this posh luxurious bag, ideal for a gift.

Simple, black and white.

There is also a Chanel ribbon attached which just makes the whole gift look luxurious!

I love things wrapped and ribboned, this just blew me away, I didn't care if the bag was empty or not LOL! The packaging itself looked so fancy I didn't want to open it.

I was actually looking for 'fire 159' red shade to match my current phone case but the lady at the counter said it had been discontinued so I decided to go for another shade of red which was 455 Lotus Rouge.
I personally am not a red lover, I don't own many nail polishes and I would never go out my way to buy red colour nail polish but I fancied a change and see what I could get out of it. I decided to try a Chanel nail polish and see if it would be impressive or not.

There were so many shades of red, it totally confused me and of coruse once it is applied to the nails, its not exactly the shade as the one from magazines or the bottle so I decided to go for a medium red.

The box is quick simple but with a lot of text. Black background, white text and gold at the bottom at the front and sides.

The box is just about the size of the bottle of polish, and the quality of the box is sturdy too.

The top of the box states the shade name and number.

I like how the lid can come off the top of the polish lid, I don't know what I would do with the empty lid to be honest but its very different to any other polishes I have ever tried.

For £18, there is 13ml of the product in the bottle. It sure is pricey but for a designer brand, that was to be expected right? I still can't believe I paid that much for it! but atleast I can say I did try it. 

Prices are more or less the same, there aren't any special prices as it would de-value the product but some places like online stores may increase the price, especially if the product is limited edition. I would advise people to look online at store prices.

I like the thickness of the brush as it means I don't need to do as many strokes of the polish and making the polish look so thick on my nails. The brush is very soft, which makes the product sit well on the brush.

I personally think there are drug store dupes that would be just as good such as ELF 'smokin hot', Barry M - 262 Bright Red/red wine, Rimmel 60 seconds - Rapid Ruby, Mac Factor gloss finish - Red Passion. Depends on your budget really.

So...... After the first coat of the polish of my nails, I personally thought it was too thin. The lotion consistency is not too thin and it isn't thick either. It glides on smoothly but I find that I need to go over my nails 3 times to cover the whole nail.

I had to apply 2 layers of the polish as only 1 coat was too thin and not make the nails look smoothly painted.

This is a picture of my nails after a week , as you can see there are a lot of dents, scratches and it doesn't stay as shiny. I used 2 coats of the polish and still I can see the polish is very thin on my nails. I decided to leave the nail polish without a layer of clear polish over to see how well it would last on my nails but this is the result. Was not totally what I had expected, especially for the price I paid and the hype on the market, the colour started to fade and didn't look pretty or glossy anymore. It disappointed me badly, but I still want to try the other colours to see how they would be on the nails.

  • pretty packaging for the box and bottles
  • pretty presentation bag and ribbon
  • wide range of shades
  • logo is neatly presented at the top of the lids

  • glossy look at first but it slowly fades
  • scratches easily
  • need more than 1 coat on the nails for the full effect of colour
  • too expensive for what it's worth
  •  bad quality
  • too many shades available and they look similar, but when you paint them on your nails, they aren't exact the colour in the bottle therefore choosing the right shade is difficult


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