Flexitol Foot Cream Product Review

This post might sound disgusting but I blog about alot of things and it's so important to share! Don't worry, there aren't any photos of my feet lol! I don't dare do that, it will put you guys off from coming back to my blog lolz!

I am up on my feet for atleast 10 hours per day!! that's atleast 70 hours per week!! incredible how I am still able to walk! I don't wear heels often due to several reasons, mainly because I work as a nurse and we aren't allowed to wear heels anyway! With the amount of pressure on my feet, you can imagine how hard the skin feels, I have a very high arched feet and a lot of pressure is situated at the front of my feet so you can imagine how badly treated my poor feet are! I don't even think you can imagine the pain I am in when I get home from a long shift.....

A lot of us abandon our feet, we only care about it when we are showing it, but without our feet where would we be? Our feet takes us to places, helps us swim, carries our weight, and more!

So about my feet..... the most un-feminine part of this blog post.... I don't want to hide things from you so I may aswell tell you like how it is hehe! Like I have mentioned, I have a very high arched feet, I never knew it was not what everyone else had, I use to be able to walk in might high heels, but since I was later teenager, I just couldn't. I began having blisters since I was a kid, calluses, veruca's, everything! Now, my feet are so damaged, I have seen a chiropodist and they have said I need to have surgery to get my feet to be flat.
It's so difficult for me to buy stylish shoes that are comfortable, I mean, having wide feet doesn't help either! so that's that idea out of the window, I have so much trouble finding the right pair of shoes to fit me and make me feel comfortable in, and yet stylish to match my outfits - it's a nightmare!
I have thick skinned feet, I see my chiropodist every 4-6 months for a full review and also have my calluses professionally removed with the tools and also top up on buying the foot cream.

I have tried to use the pumice stones in the bath, out the bath, ped-eggs after a shower and when the feet are completely dry (apparently they are the worse things to use for thick skinned feet! just shaving he layers of the dead skin off doesn't solve the problems), soaking them in water and filing them, you name it - it doesn't work!! I was almost giving up to be honest with you and that was when I met my lovely chiropodist who gave me the confidence to take the socks of and reveal my awful feel!! From that day, I never regretted making that appointment to consult her about my terrible painful condition and I am glad I am not the only one either!

I now use a callus remover blade with the tool, a foot filer and foot cream. Of course, like any blade, you must take extra care in using it on your skin, I have cut myself a few times and left blood trails around my apartment but as long as the hard calluses are gone then I am content!!

I have tried using all sorts of creams for my feet believe me and I have found 2 to be very effective so far. The amount of money I have spend to make my feet to feel less painful are quite scary! Not many people care about their feet, until they start wearing sandals ....... then they panic!! I look after my feet all year around to avoid that panic. There's nothing worse than going out in shorts and a T with sandals and thick dry skin on your feet? EWWW....

Let's face it, we hide our feet as much as we can, unless you were just born with good feet and you don't stay up on your feet all day long like some people do.... 

One of my favourite foot creams that I have bought over and over again is this Flexitol foot cream. Why? well, it is a well known brand specialising in feet, it does exactly what it says/shows, there is nothing more than evidence and recommendations from feet specialists, I decided to give it a go and waited patiently for fantastic results, which I got within a few days! It's perfect for those with thick calluses and dried thick heels, this helps the skin to feel smooth but then you got to file it down or get them removed. I suggest you seek a professional chiropodist to give you some advice as the bladed callus remover can easily cut the skin and possibly cause infections!

It claims to:

  • Scientifically formulated
  • Results in 3 days 
  • Hydrates dry, cracked heels and feet.

  • it does exactly give you the results of what it shows/says
  • a little goes a long way, 1 tube would last me about 3 weeks when I use it twice a day
  • see the amazing results within a few days
  • medically proven to work with photographic evidence
  • definitely hydrates the thick heels and feet

  • greasy feeling, I always slip around my laminate flooring
  • not available in drug stores all the time as it is a huge sell out product all year round
  • feels a bit sticky at times, not comfortable on my feet
  •  it's a bit of a pain to squeeze out once the product is coming to an end as so much air fills the tube so I have to really battle with it to getting the last few drops of it

It's not always available in shops as it's a huge sell out in drug stores, it's easy to find online, I tend to purchase it on amazon as it's cheaper, for less than £6 including delivery. Sometimes there are special offers at drug stores so that's when I am most likely to purchase as I know it's a real bargain and I have tried this more than a few times!

This product is suitable for those who are on their feet for long hours, they develop hard skin and then it becomes difficult to get rid of but this cream is the start to the solution! The skin becomes soft and easier to file down, I never thought I would ever try a product that would give me the re-assurance that my feet can be saved lol!! 
Not recommended for open wound on the feet as it may cause an infection, especially those who are diabetic and have foot ulcers. Please read the warning before purchasing!

 Have happy feet!



  1. It's nice to know we're not alone with the dry elbows! :) Foot creams definitely make a lot of sense to me too!.please visit: Skin Repair Products and Diabetic Foot Cream

    1. yessssssss!! hehe I have now got a new favourite that gives me EVEN better results and wonderful results too - ever heard of Epoch range? x

  2. It will always be a satisfaction to study mainly because your each individual posts wonderful.
    The new Assure Foot Cream nourishes

  3. Good sharing, FYI, Bioglo Silky Feet is an amazing skin-renewal combo that helps you restore silky youthful-looking feet and keep them stunningly soft and smooth. For detail review visit:
