Fashion Friday: Smart Jacket

To have a decent jacket would make a difference to the whole outfit. I would personally spend a bit more money on jackets/coats than my outfits.

Outerwear are statement pieces for me, even if I was to wear jeans and a t-shirt, the jacket makes the whole outfit a totally different style. I like wearing all one colour then adding a pop of colour simply by wearing a bright colour jacket or textured jacket would endorse the style for the day.

I have a long body, wide hips, broad shoulders, they are my problems to finding tops/jackets/coats to look right for me. I see a lot of stylish garments on people, magazines, adverts, I have a hard time deciding if it would look or bad on me. I prefer fitted garments than lose fitting ones because it shows my curves more. I personally think that it is a positive thing to do when you show off what you got, everyone is different and we always want what we can't have - we are people looking good in their own ways so why don't we make the most of our body shapes and sizes? Be confident., be proud of what you have. If you haven't then do something about it! 

I found this gorgeous black jacket from Zara last autumn 2012 when I was browsing and I almost fainted because I fell in love with it. I didnt make the purchase because I thought it would look terrible on me and I thought " if I go home and if I can't stop thinking about it then I will but it!" I honestly couldn't sleep lol!! I went back to my nearest Zara store but they only had 1 size and I wasn't too sure if the size would fit me? I then went home to purchase it online in 2 sizes and keep the one that fitted.
I finally received the jacket, it arrived in a big box and it arrived in just a few days! I enjoy ordering from Zara online. There are quite a lot of sale items from there that you can't see in the stores! So another reason to shop online..... Haha!! So convenient !

I love the way this jacket has 2 textured, leather and fabric, lines with thick gold zips for the pockets on the sides and also down the middle which is situated more of the left side than the middle, that changes the whole style of a typical smart jacket. I love my handbags and jackets to have thick gold zips, it makes the item look more classy and stylish.

I teamed my black outfit with this fitted cropped smart jacket which made the outfit look classy and feminine.
The jacket is slightly heavy but that is because the jacket is made very well with real genuine leather, genuinely good zipper and heavy stitching. I team this jacket with a lot of my outfits to make the whole outfit look stylish and sophisticated. 
There are a lot of similar styles to this jacket and different textures, depending on how much you are willing to pay for a long term investment. I spent £80 on the jacket which I thought was a good decent price as it would last me all year and for atleast 2 years which would mean I would spent £40 maximum  per year. If I get too warm I wear it over my shoulders and the would give the style a more relaxed but also classy style. I always justify my purchases this way as it is more logical to me. 
Everyone is different and we all spend our money differently but understand why you would make the purchase in the first place is very important! 

Hope this helps!


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