Warming Masks Product Review

Warming Face Mask from Body Shop
I use to think that warming face masks were kinda weird and cool at the same time but as time went on, I decided I prefer to not use them for several reasons. One would be because it would always irritate my sensitive skin, and also the fact that the heat on the face would feel like it's doing it good, it actually isn't.

I must admit, I like the fact that it does heat up on my face, I think it's a clever idea to feel it reacting on the skin but that isn't necessarily the best thing for the skin. Once the skin is warm, pores open up, then we should use cold water to close up the pores but what happens if it's humid and you have just washed your face with cold water? The dirt still goes deep into your pores therefore finding products that can open pores and cleanse deep into those pores without any harmful tools is worth buying.

I don't believe in surgical interventions to look younger, looking good and feeling good is VERY important to me! 

I purchased this product from The Body Shop a few months ago as I enjoy using clay masks.
 I first tried a heated face mask when I was about 16, it was my moms and I wanted to know what it was so when I used it I was like 'WOW!! It really does heat up!!' haha!

For £10, there is 100ml of product, and I tend to use quite a large dollop on my face as I feel that the thin layer I apply doesn't feel like it sticks on the face as much. I have used it about 8 times and only about half the bottle has been used but depending on how much of the product you use each time, it could last you a bit longer than me.

The product comes out from the bottom of the tube and it sits upwards on a flat service which means once the lid opens, the product squirts out, hence why the lid doesn't look clean!

The product isn't hard to squeeze out of the tube unlike some I have tried in the past, and the lid flips open/close and locks in place so it is very secure and does not spill out.

The product claims:
  •  to be suitable for all skin types leaving the skin clean and revitalised.
  • Cleansing
  • Oil-absorbing
  • Weekly treatment
I have sensitive, dry/combination skin, I find that it is too harsh for my face and it irritated it for a few days. My face goes red and itchy then blotchy of dry skin. I don't have must natural oil on my skin therefore it dries out the skin and causes it to be painful.

2 layers of product

I did use this weekly, but then after a few treatments, I felt that my skin was tight and dry which irritated me and I hated it, had to apply night cream even in the day time.

The back of the product states that you can use it once or twice a week, I think once per week is enough for me but for those who have oily skin then they can use it twice a week.

It is advised to leave it on the skin for 5 minutes, for me that is way too long, 1-2 minutes is enough for me , although the skin does cool down from the 3-4th minute on the face.

I wash it off with cold water, it takes a while to wash off as the product is thick like PVA glue. My skin feels tight, dry and red, like I have been out in the sun without applying SPF cream! it's quite frightening to be honest, especially because I thought my skin would look and feel more cleansed!
after the product is washed off

This is my skin after I have washed the product off my face.
As you can see my cheeks are red and also my forehead. They remain red for a few hours as the skin is damaged from the heat of the cleanser.

What I do is I shower, then when the face is clean, I apply a thin amount with my fingers. I then apply another layer on, but its too thick and sticky, and very difficult to spread evenly without pulling the skin on my face!!! Annoying....  then pretty much straight away, I can feel my face being heated up, I leave it on for about 5-10 minutes in total. My face feels over heated up and itchy after about 10 minutes so I wash it off with cool water and my fingers, then pat it to dry. I usually find bumps on my face in certain areas, and they get itchy and burn. That's how I know this product isn't working for me and I have tried to use it a few times before! I give up......


  • definitely has the heated sensation on the skin
  • affordable price for a product that not many brands have
  •  The Body Shop is available outside of UK (prices may vary)
  • product comes in a squeezy tube and the lid is situated at the bottom which makes it easier for the product to come out

  • skin would feel tight after each use
  • does not clear my black heads
  • irritates my skin
  • have to use quite a lot more than just a smear of product to my face
  •  not suitable for sensitive or dry skin
  • the scent is quite strong
  • the product is too sticky, hard to wash off the skin
  • have to apply a thick generous layer on the skin to make it even all over the face
Personally I would like to use products which maintain my skin's natural oil's and not make me itch my face, this one totally irritates it and now I have stopped using heated face products as I am worried it will ruin my skins' natural oils. 
For the price I paid, it didn't do me any favours and I would rather much spend my money on products that my skin would love.
 Everyone has different skin textures and skin types so it may work for others, and it may not. Unfortunately it didn't work for me but I am glad I tried it! I personally don't like the after effects of this product, I would recommend it for those who have oily skin but not thin skin or skin with lots of acne as it may do damage than good.


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