Korean Snail Slime Face Masks

Snail slime face masks

Who ever would have thought you create snail slime extract face masks?! People in south Korea swear by using snail slime products!!

I am not a dermatologist, I just enjoy looking after my skin and ensuring it is maintained looking well.
I guess there's people in this world who would try anything to look good by looking younger or treat old scars. One of them being me by the way lolz. 
By using snail slime extract, it is actually quite a beauty craze at the moment in some countries especially in Asia. People would use snail slime products such as hand cream, face masks, night cream, serums. 
I have tried the Holika Holika snail hand cream , and a few face masks from Korea and I quite like the results!

I got these face masks for my birthday from a friend and I was very reluctant to try them. Infact, I was scared but I really wanted to see what it would do for my skin! After reading up so much reviews about them in magazines and beauty blogs, I didn't want to miss the opportunity! 

I expected it to be really slimy, cold and gooey but it actually isn't. Some have no scent, and some have a strong scent. I don't actually know how much of the snail slime is actually in the face masks as there are a lot of fake products out on the market!
I like certain brands of skin care, I like to read up on ingredients before purchasing any product that I use on my skin. I would rather know what I am putting on my face rather than trying the products before knowing. The skin is important to me therefore I do make sure I am using the right ingredients to maintain its good state as much as I can. 

Snail slime claims to:

  •  Helps to reduce the visible signs of skin-ageing
  • Refreshes & rejuvenates 
  • Excellent skin-regenerating properties
  • Helps to stimulate cell growth, restore optimum skin-moisture levels and improve elasticity
  • Suitable for all skin types 
  • have a complex mix of proteins, glycolic acids and elastic that that protect the skin from damage, infections and harmful UV rays
So why wouldn't we want to try this?!
I have sensitive, dry-combination skin and there has not been any problems for me, my dry patches of skin on the face has felt more moisturised and plumped, the skin tone is more even, less redness and not caused me to have break outs or redness. The fine lines are diminished after a few masks, but not straight away - it's an on-going fix up. 

From the ones I have tried, I do favour the TonyMoly ones the best. The masks cover majority of my face and it feels nice and cool on my face. I love using a face mask atleast once a week, especially after a hard days work and I just need a fix up to help my face feel moisturised.

I think it is a wonderful idea to get a beauty junkie a mixture of high end face masks, or ones with good ingredients that would benefit the skin so much more than wasting your money on products with poor ingredients. I would recommend giving TonyMoly ones a try. The first ones I used was TonyMoly ones and ever since, I have compared the rest to those ones and am glad I did!!

You can get snail slime products from healthy stores such as Holland & Barrett, SaSa, or online.
I will be reviewing some snail slime face masks soon!!

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