It's All About The Cupcakes!!!

I never use to like cupcakes, I just liked to look at them and take photos of/with them.
As I grew older, cupcakes became a luxurious delicacy to me because as easy as I think it is to make them, the whole process of decorating them is actually very difficult for me. No matter how many times I try, I just can't make them look precious.

I enjoy cooking, I cook at least 1-2 times a week, I cook a variety of meals from Japanese to Mediterranean salads. Baking - I get so fed up but I keep trying.

Here is what I have tried making with some friends.....

As colourful as I could make them, they did not taste good. That's why I appreciate cupcakes so much more!

Cupcakes are very popular nowadays, especially when it comes to occasions to celebrate, but the taste of the cupcakes is very important too.

For me, I like the cupcakes for the texture of the sponge, the filling, the fine detail of the icing and how sweet the icing is.
It may sound silly but sometimes the icing is just too sweet and it puts me off! So I wont purchase or recommend them to anyone, even if they look pretty!

I have found an amazing cake decorator, who makes the most prettiest cup cakes and cakes which taste absolutely amazing! They taste as good as they look!
Gourmet Gastronomy makes cakes for all occasions, alsorts of colours, decorations, suprise styles, cookies, macaroons, desserts.

Here are some of the ones I have tried before.

The presentation boxes are high quality, the cupcakes don't melt, (to a certain degree)  the styles are amazing and they stay fresh for a few days. I stored mine in the fridge for a whole week!
This box lasted me for a whole week and I ate them slowly because I just appreciated every single effort, time, love that's been put into these cupcakes. I can taste all the effort in them!! 

I loved the box that came with these cupcakes, the presentation was so precise and high quality.

Can you believe all of Gourmet Gastronomy pieces are hand made?!?!?! YESSS!! It's true!!

The high quality of the cupcakes don't compare to any other I have tried in the past. Perfect for a gift, treats, occasions, suprises, anything! 
If you are looking for a WOW gift then here is my high recommendation! 
The friendly service makes your order much more appreciated, Gourmet Gastronomy really do take the time and effort to understand what you want and try to meet your needs.

Have a browse at Gourmet Gastronomy website or go to the facebook fanpage and check out more photographs and information! There are details of prices, how to order, etc, unfortunately there is no delivery service as the high quality pieces need to be handled with care. 
Unfortunately this is only available in the UK, in Yorkshire Bradford.

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