Clarins Energizer Skin Regime Set Product Review

Since first time trying this regime set, the results were amazing, I woke up with soft luxurious glowy skin! I have never used a regime set that gives me that result and was majorly impressed!
Clarins always has really good offers on their sets and they also offer helpful advice in every counter store I visit.
I have tried one of their body massage packages and even though I didn't feel the results were THAT great, this skin regime set is still my ultimate favourite from Clarins!

I got this set free as I purchased a subscription from Elle magazine and they were giving this set away for free. I wasn't too sure whether I wanted the set or not as I didn't want to change my skin care regime from japanese brand to french brand. However, I do like french brands as I feel they cater to my skin more than a few others I have tried in the past.
I heavily encourage everyone to try this set as I feel it benefits a lot of people with different skin tones and different types of skin.

This set is more aimed at normal/dry skin - especially at winter time. It is also aimed more at mature skin as it helps to keep it looking youthful and fresh. I am in my mid 20's and I use it to keep my skin looking young. Not saying I am using it to want to look like am in my teens - that's not the point. Point is, I am keeping my skin the way it is but making it more youthful and fresh.
My skin is normal, hardly any oil and dry in the cold seasons, the moisturiser is thick and only a little goes a long way!

Using the cleaner helps get rid of my make up and smells divine! Smell is very fresh and zingy!
I use the toner after the cleanser just to close the pores and help the skin to penetrate the goodness from the product, followed by the moisturiser.

This set was the medium size but they also do different sizes in different parts of the world.
Unfortunately this isn't available in every country world wide which I think is a bit of a let down. Clarins is a big known skin specialist company and I feel that people are missing out on products such as this! *sigh*

The cleanser and toner packaging is made of plastic which is good as it won't smash if I drop it.
I like the design of their products, it's not complicated, well packaged and clearly labelled.
The moisturiser is made of thick glass and is heavy, I hated carrying it around with me from one place to another when I do short trips/holiday. I had to transfer the product into a travel tub. The set looks great together on the table anyhow! hehe....

You can also purchase the mini size of this set, they offer a great price and points in department stores! I think it is a wonderful gift idea!


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