La Rochelle Aloe Vera Skin Peel Cleansing Gel Product Review

I bought this product from Hong Kong at 'Angel' store, I was actually ropped into buying it by the sales assistants and I was really suprised by the effects of it on my skin! I didn't care how much it was , I just had to buy it!

I never knew what a skin peel gel was until I met this beauty....

The sales assistants was telling me it was a new product made by a brand in France. I enjoy french brands such as Clarins, Chanel, Loreal,.... They really work for my skin but not all products though.

The sales assistant tried a little bit of this on the back of my hand and explained to me this product doesnt need water or lotion, just apply it on dry skin and watch the results......

The lotion itself is clear, thick , opaque gel. It has a light scent of freshness to it, which didn't put me off using it.


This is my face after it has bene washed and cleansed.
I apply a small dollop al over the face, let it set for about 30 seconds.

then i massage it into the skin slightly with dry fingers.

Avoid rubbing it into the skin too harshly otherwise you are peeling too much of the skin!

This is the dirt and 'dead skin' from my face!! horrible - I know!

I use a cotton pad to wipe the surface of the face to collect the rest of the gel and dirt!

 Amazing huh? Every time after using it, my skin just glows! I usually do this once every 1-2 weeks before bed, and it really does make such a difference to my skin! Not only does it brighten it, but it makes it look so youthful and clean in the morning!

When I first bought this, is just about HK$500, which is quite pricey but it has lasted me for over a year and the results are difnatly worth paying for!


Sensitive Bioderma Make Up Remover H20 Product Review

This has got to be one of the best, safest and most effective make up remover I have ever seen and used!!! I am so proud to own a huge bottle in my bathroom!!
It has lasted me for so long and it works so well, I think it's magic in a bottle!

I spotted this product in Hong Kong when I was out there last August. It was advertised everywhere and lots of cosmetic places were selling it in boxes and special offers. I couldn't be bothered to carry a huge bottle back to the UK so I thought I would just buy a small bottle to try. I didn't end up buying it as I didn't have time, I came back to England and then when I went back to Hong Kong in December, I thought that 'I need to buy it!!' so I did.
Luckily there was an early christmas promotion so I bought the one with the 3 different sizes for just $299 (at the time) !!

I have loved every single moment of using it, I use it on my eyes mainly as it is the most sensitive part of the face.
The one I have is the pink lid , for sensitive skin.
My skin goes so red and sensitive when it gets cold and it really stings to touch so I thought it would be idea to buy the sensitive one.
There are different ones to suit different skin types.

The consistancy and colour is like water and there is no scent and no alcohol in.

I would absoloutly recommend this to everyone..... here is a video showing youa demonstation of how it works.
I think everyone would love it just as much as I do and it is definatly a suitable gift for anyone who wears make up and looks after their skin!


Elizabeth Arden Gold Ceramide Capsules Review

This product here is one of Elizabeth Arden's best selling product so I decided to give it a try.
This can be found in most Elizabeth Arden counters and they come in different sizes - depending on how many capsules you want to purchase. They range from 45 or 60 capsules.

I love the container it comes in, I love the gold design with the Elizabeth Arden name printed around the lid.
The packaging looks simple but yet so eye catching! I think it looks so pretty on my make up cabinet! You can also re-use the container and re-stock the capsules!
The top opens as a lid opening upwards. It closes securely when it clicks.

To use:
  • Making sure the face is cleansed properly, (after the shower) I cleanse my face with a cleanser wash in the shower and then followed by a cleanser cream and toner.
  • Open the capsule by twisting the top nozzle off about 4 times then pull it out.
  • Carefully smoothing the product onto my hands then onto my face and neck. Let the product soak the goodness into the skin.
  • NOTE: this product is for external use only!

I was very reluctant to try this product as I thought it was for mature women who have wrinkles, fine lines and very dry skin. I tried one at the counter on my hands and could see how moisturised my skin was. The product looks and feels oily and that put me off first time I used it but after about a minute of massaging the oil into my skin, it soaks in and doesn't make my skin oily at all. I was pretty amazed by it!

Don't be put off by the oiliness of the product, the oil is what your skin needs, therefore it will soak up quick, oil does not sit on the skin.

There is quite a lot of product in each capsule, it would last for 2 applications but I use it for my hands as well as my face and neck. 

The smell reminds me of some sort of nuts, it use to put me off but I got use to it and I wouldn't say I love it or hate it. It's a bit strong, especially when applying it to the face but the smell wears off quite quick.

I have redness around my nose and cheeks, after using this product I can see a glow the next day and the redness calms down significantly! Not many products do this due to the ingredients of the product.
During cold winter time, my skin is really red, it tightens, gets itchy and blotchy. I was recommended by a sales adviser from Elizabeth Arden to try this and it helped calm down the redness! I wouldn't say it got rid of it completely but it wasn't as visibly bright as it would be without using some sort of 'calming cream' , this oil makes my skin so plumpy and moisturised too!

Apparently this serum/oil is to help fine lines too, I don't have any as of yet therefore cannot say if it has benefited in that sense but overall, my face as a more plumpy feel and glowing skin tone.

I use it as a serum before bed once a week as my skin is sensitive during winter/cold weather.
I wouldn't recommend this for people with oily skin or spots because adding further oils to the face for you would make it worse.
I usually would only use this product when I see a lot of redness or when my skin is super dry and it works really well!

I have not had any break outs or any allergy reactions to this product. I have been using these for the last 2 winters and it's lasted me so long as I don't use it very often.
These capsules are quite expensive but I know when there is a good sale on at the Elizabeth counter, they are worth buying to last you through the year!
Prices vary but they are roughly £44.00 for 40 capsules or £60.00 for 60 capsules.
I suggest you to try one at the counter before purchasing this - incase it is not suitable for your skin.

Gold Nail Transfer Stickers For Nails From

I was sent a pack of gold coloured nail transfers from a while ago but not had a chance to use it because I work in a hospital and we are not allowed to use nail products so I have had to wait until I have annual leave for a week or more as this product is suppose to last for 11 days.
I have tried nail transfers before - they are quite fidgety as some as too thin and rip easily, some are too thick and cause creases before even sticking them on the nails! 

Finally I tried this product and here are the results:


The packaging comes in a cardboard material flat package box, has a film on the right side at the front of the box so you can see the colour of the transfers. I was in love with how shiny this colour was! It was almost like a mirror! I was excited to try it on my nails and see the results on my own nails!

The transfers were on a clean film and then in a metallic silver foil type envelope. It was very gold and silver - which I liked. They come in 8 different sizes which is handy as everyone has different sized nails. They can be cut to size to fit your nails and there is a good range of sizes in there and also if you make any mistakes, there are spare ones which is always a good thing! Saves you from buying another pack and wasting them right?
The back of the box had clear instructions in english which was a positive as this product came from Hong Kong, I wasn't sure if it would be instructed in chinese? Luckily, it was english!  There is also picture demonstration so for those who have difficulty in reading, the pictures show a step by step guide.
Unfortunately I did not read it all properly .... I ended up sticking them upside down and ended up struggling to cut the transfers around my nails..... haha!!
These are easy to peel off and can be re-used again but there is also the odd air bubbles in the creases of the nails. It was annoying trying to get it to look immaculate! I ended up with a few creases which of course, did not look pretty. *disappointing*
On the instructions, it says that the nail transfers can be removed by washing hands in warm soapy water and then gently peel off. That made me think 'how are they suppose to last for 11 days?' - surely using soapy warm water to wash hands is a must on a daily basis? I wasn't sure whether they are to last for 11 days or not? I gave up and kept one on my nail because they looked too tacky for my liking. I woke up to the transfer slightly peeling off at the tip of my nail, imagine having all my nails covered in them!

I gave some to my mom to test out too and she didn't like them either.
They just don't look as pretty as I thought they would! The foil sheets are too thick!

** Thank You to for sending me this product free of charge to review. **

Philosophy Purity Made Simple One-Step Facial Cleanser Review

This product is an award winning 4-in-1 cleanser as it is 'highly effective one step cleaner'. It is meant to help remove make up, tone the skin and moisturising it - at once.

It is aimed for those with dry/sensitive skin as it is made with organic ingredients.

It comes in 2 sizes, 8oz and 16oz. Also sample-like sizes in special packs. But there are 2 full size bottles.
The one I have is the 8oz bottle.

I like the text around the front of the bottle as well as the back with the instructions and ingredients. The text at the from of this bottle really caught my eye! and the design isn't complicated, it was very simple and straight to the point!

The bottle is plastic, the lid is a black plastic push down flip top cap. So if I drop the bottle, it won't smash and you have to kind of squeeze the bottle abit to get the product out.

This product contains natural ingredients, it claims to help get rid of your bacteria collected on your face from the day/night and it's gentle formula sits on sensitive skin without irritation.
It's natural oils help to conidtion the skin after using it.

You can purchase this online from ebay, or Sephora (if you live in the States) or John Lewis in England.
Prices vary due to your location.

I paid £17.50 for this product, I thought it was a reasonable price if only a little goes a long way and for a skin product which comes from a known brand who specialise in skin , must mean they know what they are talking about? Anyways, I tried it... and here is my review......

A lot of people either hate it or love the product, I wasn't too sure how I felt about the reviews I saw on youtube but I gave it a try anyway! Seeing that it was highly raved by many people on youtube and internet, I thought it was wise for me to have a try!

The smell is so strong - I didn't like the smell after a few weeks of using this. At first I thought it was very much like spa products, very relaxing and fresh, but very citrus like. Now I hate it, it makes me want to vomit, I think it's too much for the face.
It gets rid of most of my make up well when I massage it into the skin for 30-60 seconds (as instructed on the bottle), but if I use my clrisonic with it then it gets rid of about 90% of my make up! including waterproof mascara which is great!
It makes my sensitive skin feel itchy, I feel that it is too strong and I do tend to itch my face quite abit after using it.
After I dry my skin, my face feels dry and squeeky which is not a good combination. I feel that it's stripped away my natural oils and I am left with acne-like spots (even though the natural oils are suppose to help hydrate the skin, I guess the oils arent they right oils for my skin).  I guess this product is abit too much for me *sigh*

The consistency of this product is thick creamy gel, it does not foam up but sits on the skin well.

A little goes a long way. (Even though in the picture there is abit too much, it was for picture purposes haha)

You can use this product twice a day, but for me, that is too much. It alters my face's pH and causes irritation - so becareful!

I read up on the internet for reviews about people who have also had the same problem as I did and they continued to use the product then after maybe about a week, their skin cleared up and then it became their holy grail. As for me, it's not applied to me. I only use this a few times when I go to my moms house, I deliberately left it at her house so I don't use it too much. Now I am coming up to finishing the product, I am glad and I won't be purchasing it again as I feel there are other products out there which benefits me alot more.
The price is abit high but without trying how will I know hey? Atleast I did try and in a nice way, I won't be re-purchasing this again.

I ended up using some of this product to shave my legs with .... it makes my legs feel tingly and sometimes red... I guess it just isn't right for me hey?


Travalo Product Review

Fancy having a cute gadget in your handbag/bag which helps store liquids and you can take whilst you're travelling, on planes, trains, buses, boats etc.  ( I bet Batman would love this in his bat mobile!)

I was sent 2 of these Travalo's to test and do a product review for the Travalo company. I was very suprise by how amazing it worked! Not a single drop of my perfume leaked out and it was very easy to use!

I use to carry tester perfumes in my bags or if I was going anywhere for longer than a few days, I would take the whole bottle with me! Of course, this weighs down my bag and  even though it was essential that I spray perfume but it was heavy, I still carried it anyway!

Thankfully I tested this product and it's made my bags so much lighter and I haven't had to worry about carrying the whole bottle of perfume and worry it may smash in my bag if I dropped it.
This Travalo product has saved my life!

Best parts about it:
  • suitable for male or female, they offer a wide range of colours and sometimes patterns suited to your needs.
  • it measures at 86mm which is very small compared to a full size bottle of perfume!
  • has about 65 sprays in each Travalo when it's filled to the top - lasting you for a few days (if you don't spray that much at a time that is)
  • easy to use - no spillage
  • refillable - you can use it over and over again but of course, you may end up mixing the previous perfume with the old one so becareful! 
  • These Travalo's come with a stand so you can stand it up on your table
  • Has a shatter proof window - so it wont smash in your bag or when you drop it

I did host a giveaway when I received these but unfortunately that is now closed.
Anyhow, if you are intrigued by how they work, here is my product review video for it.

You can purchase these online, here is the Travalo website for full details on the product -


Clarins Energizer Skin Regime Set Product Review

Since first time trying this regime set, the results were amazing, I woke up with soft luxurious glowy skin! I have never used a regime set that gives me that result and was majorly impressed!
Clarins always has really good offers on their sets and they also offer helpful advice in every counter store I visit.
I have tried one of their body massage packages and even though I didn't feel the results were THAT great, this skin regime set is still my ultimate favourite from Clarins!

I got this set free as I purchased a subscription from Elle magazine and they were giving this set away for free. I wasn't too sure whether I wanted the set or not as I didn't want to change my skin care regime from japanese brand to french brand. However, I do like french brands as I feel they cater to my skin more than a few others I have tried in the past.
I heavily encourage everyone to try this set as I feel it benefits a lot of people with different skin tones and different types of skin.

This set is more aimed at normal/dry skin - especially at winter time. It is also aimed more at mature skin as it helps to keep it looking youthful and fresh. I am in my mid 20's and I use it to keep my skin looking young. Not saying I am using it to want to look like am in my teens - that's not the point. Point is, I am keeping my skin the way it is but making it more youthful and fresh.
My skin is normal, hardly any oil and dry in the cold seasons, the moisturiser is thick and only a little goes a long way!

Using the cleaner helps get rid of my make up and smells divine! Smell is very fresh and zingy!
I use the toner after the cleanser just to close the pores and help the skin to penetrate the goodness from the product, followed by the moisturiser.

This set was the medium size but they also do different sizes in different parts of the world.
Unfortunately this isn't available in every country world wide which I think is a bit of a let down. Clarins is a big known skin specialist company and I feel that people are missing out on products such as this! *sigh*

The cleanser and toner packaging is made of plastic which is good as it won't smash if I drop it.
I like the design of their products, it's not complicated, well packaged and clearly labelled.
The moisturiser is made of thick glass and is heavy, I hated carrying it around with me from one place to another when I do short trips/holiday. I had to transfer the product into a travel tub. The set looks great together on the table anyhow! hehe....

You can also purchase the mini size of this set, they offer a great price and points in department stores! I think it is a wonderful gift idea!


Olay Gentle Cleansers Refreshing Face Wash Normal/Dry/Combination Skin Product Review

I love Olay's products, I have always been a fan of Olay ever since I was a late teenager. My mom and grandma use to use Olay's night cream and that particular smell reminds me of my childhood back in Hong Kong.

 I have never tried any of Olay's facial wash products until I saw this one. I was very much won over by the main ingredients of aloe and cucumber which can help to make the skin so supple and protect it from any harshness from the sun, heat and other products on the face.

 I cant remember how much I paid for this but it was pretty close to a fiver. Purchased it at Boots - my favourite drug store! I have seen this in supermarkets and also places like Wilkinsons.

 For 130ml, it comes in a thick plastic tube and the face wash squirts out upside down when you squeeze it out, which is good because it means the product wont go back into the tub introducing germs to the rest of the product. That always matters to me!

The consistancy of this product is like thick gel. Its clear and it massages onto the skin well.
It doesn't foam up like some face wash products I have tried  which is abit of a dissapointment because for me, I feel that I have to really rub this onto my skin to make it feel like it's washing off dirt.

This product is aimed at normal/dry skin - I don't feel it caters to that type of skin but maybe more for oily skin.
My skin is normal/dry and after I wash my face with it, it doesn't feel comfortable. Makes my skin squeeky which I don't often like! It feels like it's teared away my skin's natural oil - and I dont have much of it these days!

Yes it feels more refreshed but I dont feel that it makes my skin clean. I use a cleanser afterwards and I can still see dirt on the cotton pad!

There is quite a strong smell to this product, I think Olay's products usually do and it doesnt put me off because I personally think it smells nice!
This product has like a floural scent to it, smells fresh! I like it! But if you are not a fan of strong smelling cleaners then this might put you off!

This product has lasted me for about 3 months and I wouldn't purchase it again because I dont feel it lives up to its standards for me, nonetheless, I will continue to use Olay's other products though!


Lancome Teint Miracle Foundation

Want to know what I think of the Lancome Teint Miracle foundation?

Here is my product review from last year...... even though it's not up to date, my opinion still hasn't changed and I believe it still does the same job for my skin!

Japanese Candy....

I have an obsession with strawberry flavoured candy... it seems to be the *only* flavour I eat.....  I love strawberry anything....
I also love japanese candy, they just taste so good!!!

In my bags, I always carry emergency food.... always some kind of strawberry candy haha....

Here is one of my favourites.... Thank You to my family in Hong Kong who brought these over to UK for me...


You can purchase this kind of candy in chinese supermarkets, international supermarkets or department stores like Selfridges/Harvey Nics - of course they are more than double/triple the price of what they are from Asia!
Don't worry, if you are near me and you're feeling low in sugar, I will have one to give you teehee*


honey hair mask from SaSa

I do intensive weekly hair masks and I think it's so important to maintain my hair's healthy state as much as I can. Using heat appliances and tie-ing the hair can damage the hair more than you think.

I bought this hair mask from SaSa in Hong Kong and it makes my hair feel and smell so luxurious!
For just $22, it comes with a shower cap to hold the deep conditioner in your hair and clear instructions in english and chinese. If you cant read either than there are pictures too!

I had it in my hair for 30 minutes just to make sure my hair was fully conditioned!

I highly recommend this product if you're looking for something cheap and easy to use. For my long hair, using one pack was enough! I concentrated it mainly on the ends of my hair as that is more damaged then the roots!


Cobra Inspired Hair Tutorial

Bored of plaiting your hair the same way?

Here is a new way......
If you have flat boring hair like mine, you might want to try this style.....

I have had a lot of compliments about this style, it looks complicated to do but it actually isn't!

Enjoy! =]

Good Luck

Team G.B.!

was kinda bored and decided to paint my lips.....

haha.... Supporting team G.B. I guess! Also to say I am proud of being British~


Better Than False Lashes!

For me, I think it's so important to have long curled lashes, it completes my look whether I have contoured my face, applied face powder, highlighted or not. For me, eyes are the most important and I always make sure my eyelashes are curled and remain long standing during the day.

Of course, eyelashes can fall out easily. It's also important to look after them during taking your mascara off as well as applying mascara on. I like to use waterproof mascara for my lashes as I find it helps it to stay curled all day.....

I was sent this sample from 'Toofaced' who is a make up brand and I got a chance to try out a new product before it was released.
*Thank You to TooFaced for this amazing opportunity! *

Luckily for me, I have long eyelashes but using products to make them even longer can make my eyes look more defined from a further distance.
I have tried various brands for eyelash extensions,mainly from Hong Kong as it's easier to buy these kind of products. I have also tried eyelash serums to help the lashes stay strong!

This is by far the best eyelash extension mascara I have ever used. Why? Take a look at this video and you will see.......
This is my product review video where I demonstrate how to use it and tips on what to do before applying this product.
 This product has lasted more than a whole day on my eyes and still gives me amazing results, I have left it on my eyes for 30 hours at one point and still, my eyelashes remain long and beautiful!

It really is worth trying! Especially if you have short eyelashes. Watch my video if you want to see how the magic works!


Ora-B Orabrush tongue Cleaner review and demonstration

I was very fortunate to be sent this freebie from Ora-B to try one of their products. I have noticed there are other beauty guru's on youtube have been trying this product also, so it encouraged me to have a try!
I have also made a product review video giving you my honest opinion and a disgusting demonstration lol - be warned!

I was contemplating on buying one as I usually use a tongue cleaner and this one was a totally different shape and style to the one I was using at that current time, but since using this, I find it was more effective than my previous one.

Thank You to Ora-B for sending me the products! The brush is very soft, effective and the foam works really well! You can see the results straight away!!

It is very light for me to carry around with me and it comes in different colours!

It's very suitable to buy as a gift or for yourself (make sure the other person isn't offended lol!), you can go to their website from my youtube link to get a great offer!

** DISCLAIMER* I was sponsored to make this video for a product review.
I do not work for any of these companies. It is all in my most honest opinion.


a quick glamourous hair-do! (for medium to long hair)

Sometimes when I go out to somewhere fancy, I get sick of curling my hair or just having it straight so I tie it up. Of course, then it's hard making a decision on how to tie it to match the outfit and make up.

I love experimenting with my hair and luckily for me, it's long enough to do pretty much anything! So here it what I have come up with and it's super easy to do!

It's best for medium to long hair as it can give it that extra volume at the top.....


