Day 4 of the TR90

Right now it's 03:05am, and am wide awake as am doing night shifts at the hospital this week - I hate reversing my body clock.
I don't get use to it although everyone seems to think I do and no, I don't enjoy it simply because my mind can't stay active all the time, therefore I take supplements to build up my immune system! Without them, I would be a wreck lol!!

So I have completed 3 full days of the TR90, don't know if my body has lost any fat yet as I have found out tonight my eating plan was kind of wrong lol. As am doing night shifts this week, I wake up and eat proteins with the carbs because I don't eat for about 12 hours before I actually wake up for the shift. I become hungry and need the energy to keep me going as it would be at least about 8 hours before I can eat again so I eat some carbohydrates to keep my energy levels going! I realised I should be eating the carbohydrates in my last meal before bed as the body starves whilst I sleep. This makes sense to me but at the same time it doesn't.
Whenever I do night shifts, I sleep 6 hours maximum, broken sleep so I don't actually get the right number of hours sleep that I need. My body is awake for 15-18 hours per day and hardly have time to rest. Due to the nature of my job, it's not easy to just have a rest and sitting down to eat can be a chore.

I work as a nurse full time and my shifts are 12.5 hours at a time at least so I am up on my feet majority of the time dealing with high levels of stress but I am happy all of the time. Infact, its rare for me to be unhappy unless I really really am lol!

I have kept my TR90 diary, writing down my moods, the foods I eat and which supplements I Have taken for the day. I take my multi vitamins which help to boost my immune system and look after my heart as well as my eyes and brain function which is vital for what I do.
So far, I have been craving and been constantly hungry during my night shifts. It has been so cold lately therefore my body is trying to adjust to the colder temperatures and the stress of the job is higher!  have sat down to snack and eat my food which help to fill me but I am craving for vegetables even more than usual! I often crave for dark chocolate whenever I am low in energy, I enioy the chocolate flavour protein bars from this TR90 and they are filling. They are actually I meal replacement!

Today I am off work so I will sleep at dawn, wake up in day time (which will be weird to see day light) and do what I gotta do... eating the right way as recommended in the TR90 system.

I have to confess, I haven't done the 100 reps exercise either.... I will start tomorrow as day 1!

Love Love seeing peoples results in the TR90 group on facebook, I can't wait to be measured up after 2 weeks.... although my pictures taken the night before I started day 1 weren't exactly great LOL but I don't care!! I am a walking testimonial !


** I am a distributor for Nu Skin, this product was purchased with my own money and I have given my most honest opinion, I have not been contacted by the company to give this review in any way. **
Send me an email if you're interested to buy! 


  1. Can u teach me how to take d supplement n what diet to take during night shift ?
