I've Had My Carotenoid Levels checked!!

Uh-Huh , that's right!! I have just had my carotenoid levels checked!! I am no scientist or have ever been good at science but this amazing machine detects how protected you are from free radicals, essentially, how healthy you are.

What are free radicals? They are basically molecules in the environment around us that 'steal' electrons from other molecules, which affect every individual in terms of ageing, (how we look and how we feel.)

There are many factors around us that affect our carotenoid levels in our tissues which we never think about simply because we are use to our routines or has it never crossed your mind how much free radicals hit us every single day?!
Factors in our every day lives including our levels of stress in our daily lives, pollution, diet, sleep deprivation, your body, mass, index, alcohol, smoking, low exercise intake, supplement intakes all make a difference to our carotenoid levels.

The main purpose of this amazing machine is to measure how healthy you are and how much your body is protected by the anti-oxidant levels in your body from what you do to 'protect' it.

I must admit, I don't have a good routine to my lifestyle.

Sleep - it's not a routine due to shift changes in my jobs, I have broken sleep from things going on and noisy neighbours.
Diet - I do try and eat healthy things but I snack and never know when I am full so I over-eat. I eat a lot of sweet things to keep awake for 15-20 hours per day.
Stress - due to the nature and demands of being a nurse, I deal with high amounts of stress.
Alcohol/smoking - I don't smoke or drink
Exercise - I hardly have a routine for exercising, I get too tired from working and having a permanent back problem, I am restricted to movement.
Supplements - I am taking Vitamin C 1000mg, Omega 3,6,9, Green Tea I drink 3-5 days a week,
BMI - mine is within range luckily lol!

How do you know what you're taking is working? I challenged myself and went for a scan to see my results. I was shocked by my results but at the same time, I didn't expect them to be high as I have many reasons for it to be lower than higher! 

Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world's first measuring took that gives you an accurate score immediately. It takes about 90 seconds and is painless. I was very amazed by how quickly it took for the machine to read my levels and shame to say, my levels were not good!

What amazed me was the fact that my brother's score was exactly the same as mine! He doesn't eat vegetables and never really has, he goes to the gym 3-4 times a week and is a body-builder, he takes various supplements to weight gain and build his muscles, he takes various supplements to build his immune system, has a more stable sleeping pattern than mine, more active lifestyle than me, lives in a more quiet environment with greenery, does not smoke or drink alcohol and avoids sugary food or food with high amounts of saturated fat and un-natural products in. The point is, no matter how healthy you think you are, how do you know what works for you and how much of it is actually absorbed into your tissues?
If you have the opportunity to be scanned with this amazing piece of technology then challenge yourself and be prepared to face the truth!

Pharmanex looks after you, they have an guarantee on their LifePak®+ supplements for 90 days on a monthly automatic delivery program, take twice a day only and if your SCS (Skin Carotenoid Score) does not improve, then you get your money back guaranteed!

The BioPhotonic Scanner has won awards for its results and reliability. Once you know your results, you will have a choice of whether to protect your immune system or continue to live without trying.

I am going to challenge this and see what difference it makes! After all, what have I got to lose? With such an amazing garantee offer, Pharmonex really care for us!

Watch this space for results!!!


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