Main Visible Signs of Ageing

How important is it to you that you look after your skin? Our skin is the largest organ on our body, it protects our cells, nerves, organs and bones.
Roughly every 30 days our skin renews itself, that's why we have flaky skin, we rub and scratch our skin and there are dust everywhere!! Does it scare you to know the dust particles are dead skin cells from people around us? HEEHEE!

We can't control time, no one can and we age every single second of the day. Ageing is the accumulation of changes over time, age is just a number, a chronological order and we sometimes judge people for it.

Some people look older when they are younger than others and some people look older than their real age but why? Have you ever stopped for a minute of your life and think why?
There are many main factors around us that make us age quicker and we can control these factors as much as we want. Some factors you cannot control but how do you look after your skin? How important is it to you that you look the best you can?

Ageing in the skin is the most visible sign including wrinkles and sagging of the skin. When we see any form of lines on a persons skin, we automatically assume a higher age than they already are.
Facial lines can be from smoking, laughing, frowning or sagging of the skin. We can prevent these lines, not by stopping being happy and laughing but to use the right products to maintain our skins youthful elasticity no matter what age we are. Reading the ingredients and look for proven results is how I decide on purchasing or trying the product, it's going to be layered on my skin so I want to know what goodness is going to be sat on my skin. I don't want harmful poison to make my skin worse so I advise people to make sure they know what they are buying. You wouldn't buy a rotten apple to eat would you? It wouldn't give you the same satisfaction and nutrients as a full grown juicy apple would it? It's the same principle for facial products.

There are many layers of skin and it is divided into 3 different parts.
  • epidermis - the outer part which contains your cells, pigments and proteins (thinnest part is on your eyelids which measures of about 0.05mm)
  • dermis - the middle part contains your blood vessels, oil glands, hair follicles, sweat glands
  • subcutaneous layer - nerves, arteries, veins

Factors that make our skin age include:

  • harmful UV/UVA
  • pollution
  • deprived sleep
  • stress levels
  • diet
  • our genetic factors
  • dietary intake
  • environment
  • exercise intake
  • smoking
  • alcohol intake
  • hormonal changes
  • skin disorders like eczema, acne, sensitive skin, allergies 

It is vital to know what we are layering on our skin because it can do more damage than you think and causing reactions such as redness, rashes, break outs and can cause scarring which can be permanent.
We can use clothes and make up to hide our 'imperfections' but that can cause more damage. For example, old acne scars on the face, you can use make up (foundations, concealers, powder) to cover them up but how long does it last for before you re-apply? Then 12 hours later how many layers of product have you layered on that skin? Have you cleaned your face thoroughly enough to let your skin breath? Are you getting enough sleep to let the skin work whilst you dream about getting rid of the imperfection?
I believe in having a strict skin care regime, including cleansing, toning, moisturising as well as drinking the right amount, sleeping the right amount and eating as well as I possibly can.

It's only hard work if you make it hard work but spending a few minutes each day in your life to carefully care for your own skin is a beautiful thing! It belongs to you so look after it and make it the best you can.

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