Japanese Aloe Vera Toner

Not everyone is born with good skin, we have to be responsible to look after ourselves. Everyday our skin is damaged from the pollution around us, our stress levels, lack of sleep, diet, and harmful rays around us. Gradually, you will see signs of ageing sooner than you think, your skin goes through so much every single day and it is the largest organ of our anatomy so it is vital you protect it!

I have a skin care regime, I always cleanse and tone after I have washed my face with a good cleansing oil/foam/gel. 
Cleansing is important because it removes every trace of make up, dirt, excessive oils and dust from what you have gathered all day. Sleeping with the dirt on your face can irritate your skin, produce more oil, give you acne and the skin is suffocated.
Toning is important because it gets rid of any residue from your cleansing step and also balances your face's pH levels and giving your hydrated skin.

Depending on what products you use, their ingredients and what their promises are, you wont get top benefits from the products if they don't work therefore it is important to understand what you are buying before you apply it to your face.
I enjoy using aloe vera products on my skin, as well as drinking aloe vera juice. There are many aloe vera benefits for the health and skin when it is applied directly, it is known to help heal sunburns, cuts, grazes, basically cellular rejuvenation.
The more natural, the better because if the product is mixed with any other ingredient, you are not getting the maximum benefit of the plant.

When I was in Hong Kong, I purchased this  bottle of toner. I love buying my skin care from Hong Kong because there's so much choice and majority of the products contain natural ingredients that our skin needs.

It wasn't expensive, I can't remember the price unfortunately!  I bought this from "Bonjour' which is a drugstore in Hong Kong.

  • Now, one huge problem with this product is that the details is stuck on to the sticker and also the bottle is wrapped with the film with details. I don't know why but after I used it all, I had the thought of 'what if the bottle didn't contain 100% of aloe vera juice? what have I been using on my skin?!' Even though the first layer of information is in japanese, I can't understand japanese text so that wasn't good. 
  • The product didn't hydrate my skin as well as other products I have.
  • my skin felt so tight after using it in a warm environment - I do wonder how much alcohol there is in this bottle?!
  • the lid allows us to introduce bacteria back into the bottle when we tip the bottle onto a cotton pad when we tilt the bottle forwards and backwards!

I wouldn't be buying these kind of products again because it doesn't do much for my skin other than damage it to be honest. 

If you want to look after your skin, then do it properly. I have made many mistakes of using the wrong products, have damages to my skin.

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