Day 36 of the TR90 progress

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Black leather pairings outfit

Today is day 36 of the 90 day challenge.
TR90 stands for 'Total Transformation in 90 days' and am just over 1/3rd of the way!!
I am very excited to show you guys my results at the end of the program, so far I have lost some old fat from my body.
saggy.... not a good look LOL
These use to be tight on my bum area
To start with, I didn't have what people around me would say ' much to lose' but I wanted to get rid of the old fat that's always been lingering on my body. The areas I wanted to focus on mainly would be near my arm pits by the breasts and behind there, also my stomach. They were the most annoying parts for me as they tend to show up when I wear tighter clothes or it stops me from wearing less clothes in the summer when it's hot.
From my previous posts, I have complained about the fact that I have a messed up body clock doe to shift changes from my jobs and juggling eating times between shifts and travelling and sleeping I find very difficult. I have managed to set a regime to spend quality time with me and my food.
My food choices have definitely changed, I haven't eaten crisps for about 11 weeks now which is great for me as I was eating 2-4 packets a day (or more), the vending machine at work was my best friend especially of a night shift. I have stopped eating the chocolates, just dark chocolate every now and then as a treat!
I love vegetables, and I do still crave for a bowl of them, I have been eating a lot more proteins including chicken breast and tofu more often.

As a result, here is me in my #ootd (outfit of the day), the leather-like leggings use to be tight but they are loose from the waist and sags on my bum! As a result, I am going to throw these out as they don't fit me anymore! My old leggings have been falling off me too and I have noticed a few of my fitted tops have become slightly loose but show my more defined figure.
I am totally loving this!!! I can't wait for a totally new wardrobe!!

Whilst everyone is getting fat at Xmas, am still working on managing my weight....



  1. Hi i just started by 90 day plan! let me know how's your progress! :)
