Lemons & limes for this winter!

Christmas is over , New Year's Day is just around the corner, it's cold here in Englad and still no sign of the snow? Quite strange really but we have had gale force winds and some places in the south have been flooded! 

Quite a lot of people around me have had the sniffles, colds & flu are still spreading. The one main purchase I made yesterday was this beautiful bag of lemons and limes. Perfect to add to hot water with honey and a tea bag is optional. They are versatile all year round for me, I use them to kill bacteria in my fridge simply by cutting them in half and just let them sit in the fridge for a few days, or add them to my cooking. 

If you want to boost your immune system then why don't you try a cup of lemon water every morning or perhaps if you fancy a hot drink then try hot honey lemon tea to start your day?


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