
Ever woken up to puffy or tired looking eyes and having enough sleep the night before?

The skin around the eyes is very delicate as it's very thin and sensitive, your eyes can tell people how tired your body is or if you have allergies, increased salt intake, not enough sleep or crying. 

The main reason why I had this result in my eyes would probably from the meal I had the previous day...... I had a Christmas dinner from work (Thank You NHS for the free meal) and although even choosing the healthier option, lean meat and vegetables, there was still a lot of salt in that meal. This was my result due to mainly water retention, lack of sleep from the previous nights, and dealing with stress. Even after having 8-9 hours sleep! I couldn't believe for the whole entire day I had to walk around with these tired looking puffy eyes.

14-12-13 top photo
15-12-13 bottom photo

night on 14-12-13 after a face galvanic treatment
I didn't feel tired but I did do 3 x 12.5 hour shifts at the hospital and I was travelling up to Liverpool for lunch but I did ensure I had enough sleep the night before, which was 8-9 hours in total.

In those photos above I had make up on, just my tinted moisturiser, eyeshadow and mascara. I didn't want to over-do the face with too much make up on as it would make me look even more 'tired' when I didn't feel like I was.

So when I got home, I used my face galvanic machine to draw out the excess fluid and draw out the toxins from my face and also draining the facial lymph nodes.

On the right is my face make up free after a facial galvanic treatment. My eyes are less puffy and skin is now completely flawless.
Not only does the facial galvanic give you flawless skin, it also draws out excess fluid and making sure your skin is smooth which is why this is my holy grail beauty accessory!

Please note, my photos have not been altered in any way.

If you're interested in trying a galvanic treatment then feel free to contact me for more details.


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