Chanel Precision Mousse Exfoliante Purete Product Review

Fancy using a designer brand on your skin! I think it's a wonderful idea that a successful designer has their own line of skin care and make up! I have never owned Chanel garment or accessories before but I have tried a few of their beauty products before.
I wasn't too sure if I would be addicted into buying Chanel's skin care/cosmetics due to the brand and the beautiful packaging, I haven't been hooked but I did go through a phase of wanting to badly purchase everything! haha!! I started to research about the products and decided to try one of their best products, which is this exfoliating mousse cleanser.

I like to try different brands of skin care as well as make up, to experience what they have to offer. I enjoy peoples reviews about what they have tried, there has been a lot of negative reviews about Chanel's skin care due to the price but then again, you don't actually need a lot of the product for the result. If I purchase a luxurious item I try to divide it by 3 (break down price for 3 years) or if it's skin care then break it down by 12  to give me the break down of cost per month.

I love the simple packaging, this is thick plastic abit like the type of packaging for toothpaste. I like how pristine their packaging looks, it looks amazing in my bathroom lol!

The formula is a pearlescent soft creamy-like light mousse, white-grey in colour with a heavy scent of fresh flowers. If you are someone who likes the smell of flowers then you may love this!

This is suitable for oily-combination skin.

I have never used a cleanser that foams up so much! A little bit goes a long way, I have used this on and off for the last 2 years as my skin changes throughout the year due to weather and hormones. I would say, it has lasted me for 2 solid summers!

I use about half of this amount usually
I use a face pad to wash my face as I find it easier to blend onto my skin and can avoid the excess oils from my finger tips! You can purchase these from beauty drug stores in Hong Kong or

I initially have sensitive skin and this tends to harm my skin in the winter time. I feel that it washes my natural oils out so I only use it in the hot season wherever I am. It helps to wash away the excess oil and always gives my face that squeaky clean feeling, it even squeaks!
I use to have that feeling every time I used the creamy cleanser, it makes my skin feel slightly tight and shiny which I don't like but it depends what you want from a cleanser. For me, I don't like irritated skin before and after using any skin products, this let me down in this respect. When we sleep, our skin dehydrates, I feel that I need to use a rich night cream to retain the hydration on my face, this cleanser makes me feel like my skin's natural oils has been washed away and it becomes flaky especially in the colder seasons.

After using it, my make up is not all removed, my skin feels tight and sometimes red, it feels refreshed and smells nice too!

I wash my face twice a day, morning and night before bed. I use the same cleanser and I change my whole regime products every season or if my skin is irritated from anything I use. I have learnt to understand which products to use and when. I hate having irritated skin, especially because my skin is sensitive and a combination of normal-dry.

Did you know that poor skin care can lead to early signs of ageing? You are more prone to fine lines, dull complexion, large open pores, wrinkles, and deep scar tissues? I can guarantee you will be screaming for help when you need to have clear skin for the next big occasion! Remember: prevention is better than cure! Treat it now rather than later!

I use this mousse cleanser as step 1 in my beauty skin care regime, then I tone, cleanse and moisturise.

Step 1 is important as it helps to wash away excess oils, deep clean the epidermis. Using a good quality cleanser can repair itself at night and that is why it works the hardest whilst you sleep!

The exfoliating beads are small and help to make the skin glow as it gets rid of dead skin cells which hang over your face, the naked eye can see this. It ensures your face is fully cleansed and gives it that fresh squeaky feel!This would really benefit those who have large open pores as it really deep cleanses inside those pores and prevents black heads.
I apply this to my soft face pad and exfoliating this in a circular motion to help get rid of dead skin cells and remove my make up and dirt from the epidermis.

check out this article on why not having clean skin before bed is bad for you? Takes just 3 minutes of your time before bed can make SUCH a difference!

For £38.00 there is 150ml / 5 fl. oz of product which doesn't sound like a lot but in actual fact you only need to use a little bit as it foams up a lot. 
Available at any Chanel counter in department stores or online.
The consistency is thick, but smooth and foamy when it becomes wet, it glides softly onto the skin and exfoliates at the same time. There isn't much exfoliating beads which is good as it isn't too harmful for the skin, especially sensitive skin.

 Ingredients benefits:

TULIP TREE EXTRACT, selected for its anti-pollution effect.

The Tulip Tree has been planted in cities worldwide in an effort to help de-pollute the air. The tree’s shiny green leaves are covered with a protective wax that traps pollutants, which are then washed away when it rains. CHANEL PRÉCISION Cleansers and Toners utilize Tulip Tree Extract to remove impurities caused by pollution and protect the integrity of skin’s natural defense barriers. This helps to prevent free radical damage, which can lead to premature aging.

BIOGLUCANE boosts the cleansing action of Tulip Tree Extract and helps balance the skin without stripping its natural barrier, heightening the depolluting power of each formula in the collection.

This is suitable for those who travel a lot , because there are a lot of dirt collected into the pores and this product would help to cleanse effectively!

  • scent smells great
  • clean feeling
  • soft formula
  • bottle stands upright which means gravity will let the product drop down
  • exfoliating beads helps to deep clean in the open pores
  • glamorous packaging
  • definitely is 'rich-foaming' formula

  • squeaky clean sound on the face after using it
  • strips away my natural oils way too much, my skin becomes irritated especially in the colder seasons
  •  doesn't remove every trace of my make up, I still have to use my cleansing cream and toner afterwards
  • makes my skin feel tight, needing a rich moisturiser afterwards to calm the redness
  • comes in one size only

I have enjoyed using this product more in the summer time than the winter, just because my skin needs that extra TLC during colder seasons. I don't feel that my skin benefits as much as I thought it would and I wouldn't purchase it again. I would recommend it to my beauties who like soft foaming cleansers with a luxurious feel on their skin. It's a great gift idea or a treat for their skin care regime.
To me, it just hasn't lived up to it's expectations , hence why I have used it on and off for 2 years now.


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