Fizzy drinks are very easy to get hold of and a lot of people order it pretty much anywhere, bars, clubs, restaurants, petrol stations, cafes, corner shops, supermarkets etc.
There are often promotional offers on the drinks hence why people stock up and drink more than what they want to drink.
A few restaurants have refill services where you pay for one cup of fizzy soft drink and then they can refill whenever they want for no extra cost. It seems like a good idea as it's almost like you can have as much as you want but how much toxins are you putting in your body?
We crave for sugar when we feel lethargic or 'depressed' or just need a quick-fix of a fizzy drink.It helps us feel better and have lots of energy, especially after exercising or after a really savoury meal.
I use to drink fizzy drinks, cherry coke, dandelion & burdock and cream soda were my favourites. I love fruity flavour things, and cream soda always fascinated me. I use to mix the drinks with fruit to make myself believe that I am still getting a good amount of the right nutrients lol!!! For parties I use to buy the most colourful drinks and mixed it with fruit pieces and jelly making them look so fascinating and as fruity as possible lol!!
I then started to realise how much trapped gas fizzy drinks gave me, (not attractive to have a bloated stomach lol) my teeth use to feel coated in the sugar as well as staining them! I never enjoyed my meals if I drank too much fizzy drinks because of the amount of gas my stomach was filled with. Not only that, but my mouth would feel dry quickly and it would make me crave for more fizzy drink when I didn't need it.
I realised how bad fizzy drinks were for you, I could see and feel how bad they were for me, I then decided to challenge myself to not drink it for a week, it was difficult and then I tried to not drink it for another week, then another week...... etc.... now it has been about 3 years since I last had a fizzy drink. I drink mainly water now. It was a challenge to not drink fizzy drink but I am glad I have stopped!
There are factors that related to the risks of drinking fizzy drinks, which not many people think about. Not everything is healthy, small quantities is OK for you but once you get addicted, you need to know where to draw the line but if you can stop the risks then I suggest you to do it!
Have you ever thought about:
- the amount of calories each fizzy drink have? Each can of fizzy drink can contain 7-10 spoonfuls of sugar
- risk of diabetes type 2
- high risk of ageing in the skin - A 2010 Harvard University study found that phosphate – a mineral which makes many soft drinks taste tangy – accelerated the ageing process in mice
- fizzy drinks can thin the bones, eventually causing osteoporosis
- addiction of the caffeine
- rotting the teeth- can you imagine the dentist bills?
- the fizzy drinks are highly acidic and this acidic nature of carbonated drink can cause a high extent of damage to our brain and we need it to function to our every day life!
- it affects our digestive system which means it affects our immune system which is important! The healthier our immune system, the longer we live.
- fizzy drinks gives you bad breath!!