Honey lemon water

Such a good mix to have first thing in the morning especially when you're feeling under the weather! Having it first thing in the morning helps to kickstart your digestive system for the day! If you had a greasy meal the night before then you need this in the morning to flush out unwanted toxins in the body! 

I enjoy mine in the summer with ice, which you can store in a jug ready to pour from the fridge ! And in the winter I enjoy it hot as it warms me up! It can also help promote bowel movement which is important as our body needs to cleanse and take in energy to live. Not only this but it can also support the immune system by hydrating and replacing fluids lost by your body!

Did you know that honey can help wounds and skin cells to repair quicker? Natural honey is best as it contains the pure ingredients! Lemons are an anti-bacterial agent which powerfully help to boost your immune system as well as cleansing your digestive system!

For this combination it's great for the skin as it prevents fine lines from becoming wrinkles as well as making your skin look youthful! 

Lemons contain many substances such as citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene which promote immunity and fight infection.

Did you know a cup of honey lemon a day can help with acne and redness too? 
Challenge yourself for 7 days if you want to change!


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