Sephora "air" polish

I have a long weekend off work yey so as it's my moms birthday, I decided to paint my nails! 

Here I am wearing Sephora's Universe collection in "air" which is a clear polish with spectacles of aluminium-like peices. It's so simple but sparkly! Love it! 

Would work with a colour underneath for a sparkle of colour! 


• fast drying, approximately 90 seconds per layer
• soft thick brush so you don't need to do too many strokes especially if you have wide nails like me
• very sparkly with infusions of aluminum-like spectrums
• has not chipped yet! 
• love the bottle with the white squared lid and cardboard box
• affordable price of about $12US which is about £1 UK 
• thin texture
• consistency can be kept mixed with the use of 2 metal balls in the bottle for shaking 


• limited edition
• 4 choices in this collections
• available from USA only

Have you ever tried this or any polishes from this collection?


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