Nu Skin Convention 2014

Every 2 years Nu Skin host a major event which allows the Nu Skin distributors to be able to attend the convention. 
It's really exciting for me because having my own business with Nu Skin has made me thnk deeper about good health , looking good, feeling good and ways to improve people's well being. I really enjoy what I do and sharing my passion with people around me makes me love my jobs even more! 

Nu Skin includes so many scientific background on their products and is very beneficial in terms of health and well being but it always depends on how much change or justifications every individual would do for themselves. 

This years Nu Skin convention is held in Utah, America. With 1500+ people there, the area was always jam packed! Every shop I went into, the shopassistants would ask me " did you come over for the Nu Skin convention?" And it's so nice for then to take notice. 

The convention experience has been totally mind blowing! The presentations of  the talks we had has been truely inspiring and meeting so may wonderful people in the business has been one I will never forget. It's not often you come across so positive, hard working people and being rewarded so much!

More post to come.........


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