Trip to Tunisia

I just spent the last 7 nights in Tunisia, a beautiful 3rd world country full of friendly people, camels, cactus, olives! I never really knew what to expect as I have never travelled in Africa before but from what I was told by friends who have been to the country, they say people there are really friendly!

I enjoy travelling and I have ALWAYS wanted to help 3rd world countries, visiting them is a step closer to what I would love to do, it was a complete honour to go visit Tunisia.

There was lots of shopping to do nearby in their shopping malls, I went to Medina for the morning to see where the real sight of haggling was. I managed to haggle a few bargains and see how people haggle.
There are lots of jewellery, ceramic dishes, plates, perfumes to buy. A lot of counterfeit items including handbags and watches.

I enjoy trying foods from different parts of the world, I appreciate the preparation and textures of different cultures, experiencing tunisian food was interesting!
The food was pork free as it is part of an Muslim country. I don't eat pork and there wasn't an issue with choice of food there. I thoroughly enjoyed the variety in vegetables as well as the desserts. Definitely did satisfied after each meal!

food at Alzahra
fresh melon juice at Medina

afternoon tea

During my stay, it was hitting 23-30 degrees in the day time, with clouds at times but the sun rays were strong. I applied spf 30-35 every 1-2 hours. 
I used my Nu Skin SPF 35 for my face and body as this one is my all time favourite sun screen lotion. The best thing about it is that it didn't harm my sensitive skin nor did it stain my clothes! Coming back home with a tan darker than I thought made me really happy lol!

Here are some photos...... of course I did some major posing! Here are just a few of them heehee.......

wearing a kaftan dress from Tunisia

Keep smiling~


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