Laura Mercier Oil Free Tinted Moisturiser Product Review

Tinted moisturisers are a mixture of foundation with moisturiser but, the consistency is not as thick as a foundation, it depends on which brand you are using because some can be the same or heavier. It typically provides light coverage with the aim to be more lightweight than your regular foundation.
 I don't like wearing foundation and haven't used foundation that much in my entire life. I never did believe in using foundation to cover up my flaws, I always believed in skin care more as it is the foundation to good make up for the face. Some may disagree but at the end of the day, I go to sleep without make up on and I want to make sure my skin is as good as I can get it.

Laura Mercier offers quite a wide range of colours for a lot of skin tones and is classes as a high-end brand as it is sold exclusively in known department stores such as John Lewis's, Selfridges, House of Fraser and Debenams as well as online on the website. 
Laura Mercier believes in natural colours in make up, which is why she created the flawless range which includes a  collection of colours for tinted moisturisers and foundations.

I decided to try the tinted moisturiser as it's been popular for a long time and it's always highly recommended on youtube, magazines and people who have used it. 
There are 2 choices of tinted moisturiser, one is for oily skin and other is for normal/dry skin. I bought this during spring and I know my skin tends to be oily when the weather starts getting warmer so I thought oil free option was best for me. I don't like knowing the product has oil and will be sitting on my skin for 8+ hours per day, it can cause break outs and blocked pores. 

It promises to:

  • give skin a healthy ‘no-makeup’ look with a soft hint of colour that evens and enhances without hiding the skin. This oil-free lightweight formula provides ideal protection from the sun’s harmful, damaging rays with broad spectrum SPF 20 UVB/UVA sunscreen. Perfect for all skin types, especially sensitive or oily skin.
For £33.00 there is 50ml of product in a long plastic tube.

There are 15 shades available and the assistants at the counter can always help you to find your perfect shade.
For me, Porcelain is a little bit too pale and nude is a little too warm so I picked nude which is slightly more golden but once my skin absorbed some sun, the shade was perfect.
 Did you know that when you apply SPF to the face, and when you take photos with a flash, the face is lighter? This product contains SPF 20 and it made more sense for me to buy the shade that was a little darker than lighter as I take photographs all the time and I want to make sure my skin looks as natural as possible.

The screw off lid is based at the bottom of the tube, and the tube can stand on the lid which means the product can be easier to come out of when you dispense it out. However, when it comes to almost the end of finishing this tube, it doesn't stand upwards anymore so you really have to give it a good shake and roll the tube to get the product out.

I did enjoy using this tinted moisturiser at first, but then it became too thick for my face, it felt like my pores were blocked and you do need a top up during the day. Even with powder on top and mist spray to lock in the colour doesn't help. I find that when my face becomes oily, it becomes patchy therefore not reliable. Am not usually carrying my make up for top ups but I cant go out too long without realising the product strips from my face.
I work long hours (most of the time 12+ hours) and I can't rely on having a smooth flawless look with this product.


  • 15 shades of colour
  • contains SPF 20 which is difficult to find 
  •  gives a natural glow
  • available in pink and golden undertone shades which is very important to me as it's not often I find my perfect golden undertone shade
  • contains no alcohol
  •  matte finish
  • buildable coverage
  • no oxidation
  • evens out skin tone and hides flaws
  • quite a hydrating formula


  • consistency is too thick, it sticks to my make up brush and stains my clothes
  • strips off my face after a couple of hours which means I need to top up the product on my face
  • consistency too watery and dribbles onto my clothes
  • quite expensive for a product that doesn't suit me well
  •  the scent is quite strong, especially when you squeeze the product out of the tube. I had this experience since my first use and it put me off using it

I have a sheer-medium coverage from this and it does not oxidise straight away, however, the colour does strip off after a couple of hours, especially when its warm. I am a NC30-NC35, which is a golden undertone, the nude colour shade is perfect for me. However, during cold season, it hydrates my skin well but not entirely, purely because the consistency is thick.

It hides my dark spots and redness giving me that smooth natural look. I would not recommend this for people who have large red spots as it will not cover that, this is a tinted moisturiser, not the same as a foundation.
This gives me a dewy finish, matte and natural, but it does become oily on my skin therefore I would not recommend to use this in hot weather.

I have used a stippling brush for this as well as my fingers but it becomes too messy and stains inside my nails. It stains my brush and I have to wash it every single day (which is what I should be doing anyway but am a bit lazy sometimes! aren't we all?! ) but the best technique for me would be to use a stippling brush such as the ELF popular strippling brush. 

I personally would not be purchasing this product again because it hasn't made me feel like it's my holy-grail and it's not really benefited my skin as much as I expected. As you can see from my pro's and con's, there are more con's, and sadly it hasn't been my favourite tinted moisturiser that's lasted. However, I am glad I got to try this to see what the hype was all about, sadly it just isn't for me!


Epoch Glacial Marine Mud Nu Skin Product Review

Mud masks are very effective in terms of deeply cleansing your epidermis, which is your top layer of skin that you can see. Good mud masks extracts impurities that may or may not be visible to the naked eye, and helps to rejuvenate your skin to stay healthy.

People may see open pores on their face and not realise that they are opened and always collecting bacteria from the environment and it lives in your dermis, which is skin deep and can form spots, blackheads/whiteheads/pimples - dirt basically! I hate knowing how much dirt is trapped under my first layer of skin, hence why I do weekly mud masks as well as using my Galvanic Spa to really help draw out the impurities and giving my face that healthy glow it deserves!

I use to think it was so strange that people use mud masks, until I understood what was actually contained in these mud masks. Epoch's Glacial Marine Mud is in fact fortified with over 50 naturally occurring elements and minerals, including zinc and sea botanicals. This glacial variety is naturally cultivated to be highly absorbent for a cleansing experience that exfoliates and brightens. This powerful, yet gentle, formula is safe for every day and all over use including the back. For people who have large pores on their back and are afraid to show their back, this would help to deep cleanse and prepare for smaller, closed pores giving you the confidence to wear backless tops/topless!

I have tried quite a few different brands and they each feel different on my face, and giving me different results. For example, some break me out real bad and makes my skin so oily, my skin isn't usually oily either! Sometimes it takes more than one application to know it isn't doing me any favours so it all does take some time to love them or hate them.
I have experienced redness as well as tightness on my skin just after a few minutes of applying the mud mask, therefore I find it difficult to trust using another mud mask again! Especially if they are expensive and claim to give you maximum results, it's even more annoying when you can't get samples so you have to trust their word for it, which is what everyone does!

For £25, there is 200g of product in this tube of product. What I love most about this product apart from the results, is that the mud mask dries up so quickly and you don't need to apply a thick layer to your skin, essentially, the tube would last me longer to keep as I am using it 1-2 times per week and a little really does go a long way.


  • flexible tube stands upright which means gravity allows the product to come out from the bottom of the tube, making sure you get the most out of your product 
  • flip top lid
  • a little goes a long way
  • quick drying time, less than 2 minutes you can see it drying, it changes colour so you don't need to keep touching it
  • washes off easily, no peeling or cracked effect
  • amazing results after it is washed out, skin is immediately smoother, refreshed and visible deeply cleansed
  • suitable for face and body
  • Safety-allergy-dermatologist tested


  • consistency of the mud mask is quite watery so shake the bottle before squeezing it out the tube 
  • the scent can be a little strong is you have sensitive smelling but it does wear off 
  • stains clothes/fabric!


  • Sea Silt*, (Water) Aqua, Algae Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben.
    *Glacial Marine Mud®

    Some of the more than 50 skin-beneficial minerals featured include:

    • Copper - helps improve skin strength, cutting down on fragility.
    •  Zinc - helps modulate oil production and also aids in skin healing.
    • Magnesium - a necessary component of the skin’s natural energy cycle.
    •  Silver - aids the skin’s antimicrobial activity.

 If you have problems with large open pores, and have tried millions of things to try get rid of them but don't work, then I highly recommend this mud mask! Not only does it give your skin a clear finish, the natural ingredients absorbs excess oils, exfoliates your dead skin without harsh rubbing and deeply cleanses deep down into your pores.

There is no heated feeling as some mud masks can give you that feeling that it is working deep down into your skin but this one doesn't. It dries up and does the hard work while you relax.
mud mask working hard whilst I relax
As you can see, my impurities would be in my cheeks - nose area, the mud mask works hard by deeply cleansing the open pores and you can see from (my disgusting) picture that it has absorbed the excess oils and impurities. I have never experienced that from a mud mask before and seeing it believing, this one what I love about this product!
This was my skin 2 weeks ago, break outs under my chin area, redness, open pores, discolouration.

after 2 weeks of using the Marine Mud  Mask
This is my skin a week later after using this 4 times and after I have washed the mud mask off. I haven't applied any serum or moisturiser to my face, and it feels refreshed!

after I have washed the mask off - super soft feeling!

After my first use, I couldn't stop touching my face! The texture of my skin feels so super soft, refreshed and well looked after! The redness had calmed down, the pores were closed and instantly I could see my skin was a lot brighter.

It is absolutely essential for me to have clear skin as I do a lot of commercial modelling work and the last thing I want is skin that reflects on my immune system. I have a relatively good amount of nutritional intake including 2-3 litres of water per day with my vitamins and minerals. When I don't get as much sleep and travelling here, there and everywhere, dealing with high levels of stress and working in terrible pollution environments, my skin takes its toll! It's quite sensitive and when it comes to modelling, a lot of make up is slapped on my face (because that's how it works) and it can really harm my skin. I wouldn't say I spend a lot of time on my skin, just a quick few minutes of preparing per night before bed, usually letting the products set on my face so it's not really me doing the hard work - it's the products. The right products would do an excellent job and only you can see and feel the difference it makes which is why it is important to find out the active ingredients of each product I purchase/use.

I use this 1-2 times per week in between my Galvanic Spa , I use this after my shower, before bed. I apply it to my cleansed face, a generous amount all over my face avoiding the lips and eyes. After about 20 minutes the mud mask dries up and becomes a light aquamarine colour, it hardens slightly and does not crack, that is when you know it is ready to be washed off with warm water, then I use cool water to splash on the face to close the pores. I then moisturise to keep the skin feeling moisturised. Seeing really is believing with this mud mask!!

I would recommend this product to all males and females, it's a great gift idea and real bargain for money! Love this product and would definatly repurchase!
You can purchase this product  here , after being signed up by a Nu Skin distributor - Which I am! Send me an email if you would like more information or want to purchase any Nu Skin products! I am happy to help!

(The back of this product does state you can only purchase this by Nu Skin authorised Distributors)

Have Fun guys!


** I am a distributor for Nu Skin, this product was purchased with my own money and I have given my most honest opinion, I have not been contacted by the company to give this review in any way. **

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack Product Review

'Laneige' means snow in french - isn't that beautiful?
I first discovered Laneige a few years ago in Hong Kong whilst I was looking for some new skin care products. Quite a lot of asians use this brand and trust it so I thought I would try their best selling items to see what the hype was all about.

Laneige is a Korean brand and specialises in skin care for all skin types giving you dewy radiant skin.
Laneige has a speciaility in the study of water crystals, meaning their skin products have been made using the science of water and the results of it for our skin giving us immense results. I was super excited to test this and feel it for myself!

Laneige is huge in Asia, there are independent Laneige stores in a lot of places in Hong Kong, can't imagine how it is in Korea!!

I decided to try the worlds number 1 global best selling night pack, it has been nominated various awards from known magazines such as Elle Beauty 2011.

Light gel-type texture provides intensive hydration, vitality, and brightening effect while restoring skin with deep relaxation - 

It promises to:

- Antioxidant effect of Hunza Apricot Extracts helps brighten skin tone evenly by removing harmful oxygen and purifying skin.
- Recoverine from Chestnuts promotes turnovers of horny layers to remove dead cells away for vigorous water supply and sleek skin texture.
- An aromatic essence compound exclusively developed by AMOREPACIFIC, Sleepscent™(Patent application No. 10-2009-0043726), helps to relax your mind and body and derive for a good sleep. A good sleep effect allowing sufficient relaxation eventually reinforces skin restoration for healthier skin condition. Essential oils from Orange Flower, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Sandal Wood etc. are contained in the Sleepscent™.
- Light gel-type texture without stickiness but moisture leaves you a comfortable sleep. 


  • great relaxing scent
  • soft cold formula
  • cute packaging
  • formula glides onto skin easily (comes with a spatula but I have lost it now! woops)
  • refreshing scent


  •  formula sticky on the skin, it just sits on the skin
  • wake up to sticky skin
  • hard to find to purchase as it is a very popular item from Laneige
  • jar is quite big for travelling
  • not good for the skin during humid weathers

It comes with a spatula (which I have lost) and I scoop it out and place it onto my fresh cleansed face before I sleep. I let the product sink into the skin and slightly melt, then I would gently massage it all over my face, working from the centre, lifting it upwards and outwards.
It has been recomended to absorb the scent of this product for 3 seconds before massaging it to the face, and it is so relaxing. Infact, the scent is quite addictive! It smells abit like fresh linen and flowers, so refreshinggggggggggg!!

There is just one size available for this product, 80ml , suitable for all skin types.

I purchased mine from SaSa for $148hk -  drug store in Hong Kong, it isn't available in all stores but it was the cheapest I found on the market. You can purchase this online too! Shipping would depend on your location.

Main ingredients:

  • Beta Glucan = skin regeneration effect
  • Ceremide SLN = moisture loss protection
  • Hunza apricot extract = skin purification
  • Chestnut extract = improving skin texture
I guess by the sounds of the ingredients, it's all very natural and has major benefits for our skin. I tend to only use this when my skin is in need of emergency TLC, like if I was only to be sleeping for less than 4 hours (which happens from time to time). It's great for when I am resting before another job I have to get to, it makes my skin feel plumped but too sticky which is why I don't use it very often. I seem to use this when I want to smell the scent, but the scent wears off after a minute or two, but by then I would be asleep , kind of defeats the object of using it to be honest!

I have used this when my skin is flawless, breakout-free and still my skin is sticky and the lotion is too watery. When I have used it when my skin is red and have break-outs, it stings and makes it worse so I have stopped using it when I have my bad skin days. I wouldn't recommend this to those who have skin problems, even though this states it is for any skin types, purely because the active ingredients in this sleeping pack does not benefit your skin problems. You need to address the problems before layering it with anything, it won't give the effect that it is suppose to.
I used this in Asia when my skin is dehydrated from the humidity to test out how moisturising it can make my skin, it only worked for me sometimes, not all the time which is why I stopped taking it with me to Asia. It's more suitable for cooler climates like England but that's just me personally. It might work for someone else but this is what happened to me.

It seems it is more of a product to use when you are massaging our face because of how it should be applied, by relaxing and massaging into the skin muscles to let it sink. I enjoy massaging my face, even better when someone does it for me but for those of you who don't do that sort of thing, you wont see the benefits of this product as much.

Sadly, I don't like this product as much as I thought I would but I am happy I got to try this! I enjoy using Laneige products but this one let me down.