Avon Planet Spa Japanese Sake and Rice Revitalising Face Ampoules

The use of japanese sake and rice can help illuminate the skin and visibly revitalise the skin. 

In each box there are 4 x 2ml ampoule's- the ampoule's are made of glass and the lid is plastic.

It is recommended to use half an ampule each time, day and then night once a week.

I like the packaging how it is small, tidy and pink! The way the ampoules are lined up makes it look so tidy and mysterious!

I personally used it when I felt that my skin was feel dehydrated and in need of looking more awake! half an ampule is still too much, I use 1/3 each time and even have enough to spread onto my neck and hands!

The consistency of this product is very watery, therefore a little goes a long way!

I love how illuminating the liquid is. Even in the ampules it still is very illuminating. Quite pretty I think!

How I use it is, after a cleansers and toned fresh face, I tap this product into my face and let it sink into my skin. I enjoy using this in the night before bed rather than day time before my make up preparation because it makes my skin feel so illuminated and I wake up to a fresh face.
I used this box of product over the space of 2 months as I didn't use it very often, once a week was enough.

The scent is quite strong of rice, being asian, I am use to the scent of rice at home so this wasn't any suprise to me really. After it is applied to the skin, the scent wears off so it's not like you smell like you have been cooking rice at home all day long.

I love spa products, I find them to be more of a higher-end item and intrigued to see if they work wonders. For me, this product hydrates my skin and when I wake up, the pores are not as large. It doesn't make my face glow the way I expected it to due to the colour of the product. However, for the price I paid and the amount of usage I got out of it, I think is totally worth it. It is not something I would re-purchase simply because it doesn't do as much as I expected but was totally an experience.

This product is suitable for those with normal/combination skin because its not massively hydrating but it makes the skin feel smooth once it dries on the skin. It doesnt make the skin oily therefore those with oily or acne skin can use.

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