back to Hong Kong December 2012

I was back in Hong Kong for about 2 weeks in December. I enjoyed every minute of my stay as always, and lucky to have my best friends and family out there who look after me and care for me.

 First family meal together, hotpot at home. It's not about the food even though the food is so fresh and yummy. It's more about the fact that , as a family we all sit together, talk eat and enjoy the company. This is something I look forward to the most!

 One of my best friends is Ken (AKA The Popheir on youtube)  , we hang out when we are both in Hong Kong. So fortunate to have such good friends and with the distance between us, we still talk on a daily basis!

He took me to try some Filipino breakfast! I was quite surprised by the rice lol!!Beef in sauce .... was yummeh!

I love sushi, japanese food in general!! I think I ate sushi a good 7-8 times during my stay in HK. It's so cheap and fresh in HK compared to England so obviously I had to eat as much as I could! lol. My all time favourite is sashimi, fish roe, soft shell crab.
soft shell crab - HELLO

Dessert in Hong Kong is pretty amazing too, mainly I eat the japanese ones are they are more fancy and more choice. I love sesame and green tea flavoured ice cream. 

green tea frozen yoghurt with blueberries and bits n bobs
japanese ice cream with waffles and deep fried banana pancake with sesame ice cream
shredded green tea ice cream with red bean and mochi balls
I even went to Laduree in Tsim Tsa Tsui! The queue was oh-so-long, queued about 40 minutes but it was well worth it, then tried macaroons from Paul Lafayet. AMAZING!!!

Tea flavoured macaroons by Paul Lafayet

One of the tourist attractions I went to visit was Noah's Ark which was quite enjoyable seeing the tall animal there and the view around the area is amazing, especially seeing sun set . There is a small beach to walk along and the harbour to get the boat back to Hong Kong Island within half hour.

Pink and purple day! I decided to paint my nails, and dress up ! Being in the centre of Hong Kong at Causeway Bay has had people be weary of what I was wearing - this is what I call Street Fashion.
Korean BBQ Dinner with my Best Friends~

New Apple Store opened in Causeway Bay! Of course I had to pose a strike outside!

At Times Square Causeway Bay, there was a Lego Land exhibition. I must admit, I am not a huge fan of lego but it really was worth going. I went about 5 times lol!

Was so sad leaving Hong Kong but atleast I got to eat sushi with 2 of my Best Friends in IFC

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