Snacking on nuts and dried fruit

My friends call me snack queen! Why? because I absolutely love snacks, I actually prefer snacking throughout the day than eating main meals - I have always enjoyed that. I think it's because I like food art and I do tend to enjoy food more when its more presentable rather than a plate of different types of food in one dish. Or it could be the fact that when chinese people have their meals, they get a bowl of rice each and then on the table are various dishes which we each pick ourselves and eat with the rice? hmmm....

I have tonnes of snacks in my kitchen and on my desk as well as snacks in my handbags lol! just incase ..... emergency food I call it.

It is better to eat little but less, spread the calorie intake and have good exercise in between. My diet varies, depending on where I am and what I am doing.

I decided to cut the crisps, chocolate and endless snacks out this autumn and winter! I usually get fat around this time of the year and I wanted a permanent change so I challenged myself to do this.
It wasn't easy because of the long hours I do at work and then the jobs I do in between, and having very little sleep or 'me-time' I need the energy. It's easy to just grab a packet of crisp and then grabbing another packet and maybe another packet? I am a crisp monster! So I don't buy them at supermarket anymore, I now buy dried fruit and nuts to snack on!

 I basically got a clear food tub, and filled it with alsorts of these healthy bits n bobs.

Makes it look quite appealing to eat, and I went through the whole tub in less than a week lol!!
I think my body is fully prepared for all seasons now lol!!

 I have this snack box next to me on my desk, so when I am on the computer doing some work , I just reach out and eat.....  then later on I realise so much has gone so I just stock up on the snacks again! lol!!

I have been eating a mixture of walnuts, sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts, linseed, hazelnuts, dried cranberries, dried pineapple, raisins, and the mega treat are the white/plain/dark chocolate coated in brazil/hazelnuts. The dark chocolate nuts are my favourite!

This whole box contains beneficial nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health including omega 3 essential fatty acids which help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favouring healthy blood lipid profile. Not only this but also good source of iron and anti-oxidants which is very important to our health as they help to repair the damage to our skin or prevent the damage.

Why did I decide to do this? well, as a nurse and a model, I like to look after myself and ensure I have a maintainable diet. Snacking on these kind of things can  help to lower the risk of blood pressure, coronary artery disease, strokes and breast, colon and prostate cancers. We only live once so it is very important to appreciate what you have and look after it.

Prevention is better than cure.


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