Suffer from neck or shoulder pain?

So I woke up this morning with pain on my left neck and shoulder and I have been every now and again for the past year or so. I've tried accupuncture, physio, deep tissue massages but it still keeps coming back! There's nothing more aggravating than waking up with neck pain and working in a busy environment with more than 12 hour shifts at a time - so you can imagine how patient I have to be.

Pain affects us in different ways, I don't tend to get (too) moody but I do like to keep quiet and control the pain that way. I've had enough of suffering in silence and after numberous attempts of curing my pain, I enjoy reaching out to my body galvanic machine and my ice-dancer gel. It's not a machine to cure all miracles but I sure do make full use of it and I have to say, it's been my best friend for almost a year now and i love using it with my other products! 
The ice-dancer gel gives the effect of a 'cooling' sensation and together with the body gel and the body galvanic machine, it allows the gel to work deep into the muscles giving you that release tension in the area you use it on. Pretty clever huh? Just the use of 5 minutes , I can feel the effects almost straight away and it allows my day to be pain free. Depending on my physical work load during the day, I use it again before bed time which helps me sleep. 
I've never tried anything as intense as this at home and it takes literally 5 minutes of my time! 
Highly recommend it for those who are living in silence! 

If you want to ask me questions then feel free to drop me a message or email to


** I am a distributor for Nu Skin, this product was purchased with my own money and I have given my most honest opinion, I have not been contacted by the company to give this review in any way. **

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