Pre holiday shopping

I am going on holiday this weekend and you know when you always think there is always something missing ? I felt the need to go to my local mall just to browse, and meet up with one of my friends.

I have been working night shifts almost every night for the last fortnight and having the night off work, I had to make the most of it by going shopping heehee!! 

After rolling out of bed at 16:20, I got ready and met my friend at 17:00! I was suprised how fast I took to get ready haha!!

I ended up going to every single shop and came home with a few items. There's a few other items which am taking back for a refund but decided to keep the rest....

Candy colours

Love the triangular handbags , they're also available in topshop ! Triangle is my favourite shape, coral is my fav colour and I love white leather so I had to buy both! I love them so much ! Even walking around in Topshop with them in my hand looked so cute lol!! 

As for the rest, the candy themed bikini and sandals are from Primark, the nail polish are from Barry-M which was from Boots!

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