Fashion Friday: Big Framed Glasses

 Tired of people staring at your puffy, dark, tired eyes? You can minimise this and stop people from telling you how tired your eyes look!
I don't often have dark circles around my eyes but when I do, wearing less make up on the eyes is definatly better than wearing more make up on the eye area because it doesn't become more noticeable and damaging to the eyes. Wearing more make up on the eyes when you are tired can actually make it look far worse than it actually is! Of course, the first thing we initially want to do is to apply more make up on the eyes to try hide the dark circles or the puffiness, but it does your eyes no favours!! It can cause infections and irritation, which can be hard to treat!

I wear big frames glasses to eliminate my tired eyes, it's also for the purpose of a fashion accessory which is a bonus as it completes my outfit for the day.
I have 3 pairs in total, 2 are non perscription ones , and one other is my perscription glasses for reading - I have been wearing glasses since I was a young teenager. No one really knows because I use to hate wearing glasses but now I make them look like a fashion accessory!! LOLZ.

Big frames glasses can accentuate the look of the day, they say the highest point of a women is the eyes - so make it stand out!

You can chose different shapes, styles, colours and textures of these fashion accessories, I love my black simple ones and also my leopard print ones as it's one of my favourite animal prints!

I wear my glasses with and also without the lens, it doesn't really matter. Sometimes my long eyelashes would scratch the lens so I have to clean them often or take out the lens.

There are a lot of celebrities who wear the big framed glasses on a lazy day, I wear it at times when I dont wear make up and just a pop of colour to the lips can make the look natural and girly!

You can dress up or dress down with these, add abit of funky style by hanging them on the top of your hair or on your collar of your top. I like to wear mine on the top of my hair to hold my hair back as it's long. I think it looks super cool as an effortless look!

I prefer to wear bigger framed glasses as I like to see through them without seeing the frame half way through each lens! It's annoying! Don't know if that's just my preference though?

I wear my big framed glasses all year round, I try avoid wearing them in the summer time as I don't want tan lines, having tan lines on my face is the last thing I want! Don't forget to wear your SPF!!

Applying a primer before your make up can help prevent your make up from smudging when you wear glasses.

Have fun!


Hello Kitty!!

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