What Is Serum? Why Do We Need It?

Using a serum, it basically is like good bacteria killing the bad bacteria, which is why the skin surface changes. Serums have high concentrations of good quality which gives you maximum results.
Serums consistency should be super-light and not thick like cream. They hold many tiny molecules of goodness which hold a high concentration of active ingredients, they work deep into the layers of the skin to control the signs of ageing and give maximum results to luminous youthful fire skin.
Using a serum can help boost your skins elasticity, complexion, collagen and promote a youthful look no matter what age you are. Age is a fact of life, we can't control time but we can control how fast we 'age' simply by looking after our skin and maintain the routine.

I started using serum in my mid 20's and I wish I used it earlier. To me, using a skin serum before bed/make up application in the day time is the ultimate insurance for fantastic results. Without it, my skin doesn't feel beautified and I highly recommend it to everyone who want good natural skin.

Choosing the correct serum doesn't happen straight away, unless you are lucky but knowing what ingredients in the serums is absolutely important. At the end of the day, you only have one body and skin is the largest organ in the body. Once it is damaged, it's not easy to reverse the process which is why we need to absolutely make sure we are using the right products.

I usually do some research about products before I make a purchase, especially serums. It's easy to pop over to a counter and be impressed by the sales person and purchase, use the product then regret it. Not only are you damaging your skin , but you are wasting money.

There are various reasons to why people don't use serums (or any skin products),
  • excuses - 'not got time' ' too busy ' 'havent thought about it' 'dont want to waste money'
  • they haven't understood the point of products or the important of looking after their skin
  • never heard of serums
  • don't care

I usually look at the main ingredients of each product, as well as the results after a study but that doesn't always apply to myself. We all have different skin, and different factors that give us different skin conditions.

So how do you know the serum works for you? well, ultimately you should see and feel results in a short amount of time. Overnight doesn't give you skin that looks 10 years younger but should give you results to make your skin feel like you have had a week's worth of sleep and had your 3 litres of water a day.
In my experience, I have used serums which not only ruined my face, but gives me pain. Effects of a bad serum include:
  • burning sensation to where it is applied
  • using it for a few weeks/months, there has not been any difference at all
  • lotion is too thick even if I apply a thin layer - not good especially before bed/make up application!
  • false advertisement
  • price too much for what it's worth
  • fragrance too strong
  • breakouts/pimples
  • dry skin
  • more redness

A good serum promotes:
  • plumpy elasticated skin
  • youthful look
  • smoother skin
  • not oily
  • noticeable changes with and without make up
After your face is washed, cleansed and toned, before you apply your moisturiser, you apply the serum in an upward and outward direction before bed and before make up application. Serums don't moisturise the face or give SPF protection, therefore you would apply the moisturiser/SPF after it is set into the skin which is about 15 minutes after the application.

Always remember to look at the active ingredients of the serums before you buy, they are usually alot more expensive than your regular moisturisers but does wonders to your skin!


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