Finding The Right Products To Use

I like to look good as well as feeling good, so I maintain a daily routine of things to make myself look good and feel good. I care about my uneven skin tone, my old scars, my imperfections. No one is perfect and certainly not even me, but I look after myself the best I can by using the right products.

How do you know you are using the right products? I know which products work for me and which don't from the trial and error or products throughout my life. I have learnt to read up on the ingredients each product has and what the main focus of each product is. It doesn't matter if it is on offer at my local Superdrug/Boots store, or if it is Buy One Get One Free, effectively, I am spending more money on products that don't work and damage my skin.

The biggest regret was not reading on the back of each product I bought, if I see there is pretty packaging then I am sold!! I get so excited I quickly put it in my basket, buy it, go home and use it. If I like it that much then I go back and buy it or try out the same range. I then realised my whole bathroom was full of products and I don't even use them all! Why? because I discover more products that work for me and the rest I just use when I want to, then the whole place is looking like a factory!
Not a day goes by do I look at my bathroom and think to myself ' why did I even waste money on buying all this? ' I simply didn't understand about the products but I just buy them!

Dont make the same mistakes I did, understand the point of the products and understand why it was created! Learn to love yourself and your skin will thank you for it.

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