Graisset Toner, Moisture Emulsion and Moisturiser Cream Product Review

I was given this amazing opportunity to try Graisset Repair Moisture range, sponsored by Graisset which is a korean brand exclusive to Korea only. Some boutiques in Hong Kong sell Graisset but it is very limited due to its high performance of their products. Luckily for me, I got to try their repair moisture range for the winter time.
Graisset do various ranges to suit different skin types, including, whitening, and Gold Line which is aimed at mature/anti-ageing skin, Vitamin C, repair moisture and the anti-wrinkle line. Not only this but there are toners, cleaners, serums and moisturisers to suit your skins needs.

I have always followed the 3 step skin regime to help my skin repair faster and remain clean. This set allows me to tone, cleanser and moisturise together. 
I always buy my cleansers, toners and moisturisers from the same range if possible to get maximum results.

 Thank You to Graisset for this opportunity to try the products, they were full sized, boxed, and wrapped.
I was so suprised by the amount that is contained in these bottles. I started to use them when I came back from Hong Kong to England in December and now I am still using them 4 months later!

Graisset is very exclusive from Korea and cannot be purchased unless there is a legal seller in your country, in Hong Kong there are very limited places that sell Graisset.

My skin is always dry-sensitive when its autumn-winter. I suffer from rosacea which is very painful to touch. My cheeks and forehead just go red and feel very tight, like burns, mega dehydration and its unbelievably painful to touch so I use extra sensitive products until the weather starts warming up (which is around middle of April - end of September in England).
I always worry when it comes to cold weather because it's the time for me to adjust my skin care and I have to be extra careful of what I purchase as the wrong products irritate my rosacea even more which effectively, it damages the skin that's trying to heal.

First step is to tone. 

The box instructs to use this toner after your wash is washed and use 1ml of this by applying it in a gentle outward direction. This helps the face to lift and toners help your skins pH levels to be balanced therefore you don't need much of this other than 1ml.

There is 150ml/5.07 fl oz of product in this bottle and the expiry date is 3 years.

  • lotion is light
  • makes the skin soft
  • the product lasts for more than one season so it is good for those who suffer with cold skin in the autumn - winter time

  • the lotion takes a while to come out the bottle due to the lid fixed at the top and not adjustable
  • the bottle itself is made of glass, therefore very heavy. Not suitable for travel.

second step is to apply the emulsion which is to cleanse.

This is applied after about a minute the toner is set on the face.
I use a small piece of cotton pad to apply this in an upward and outward direction to help the skin become more uplifted.

There is 150ml/5.07 fl oz of product in this bottle.

  • the lotion is nice and thick
  • glides onto the face smoothly and holds the moisture in the skin
  • a little goes a long way, this would ideally last for more than one season, particularly autumn - winter for those who suffer with dry skin in cold seasons.

  • bottle is heavy as it is made of glass, therefore it is not suitable for travelling with.

 I enjoyed using the Moisturiser the most, it is the first product out of the collection to be finished first. I love the thick consistency of the lotion, it makes my skin feel so nourished and moisturised, especially where it's very dry and my skin starts peeling (usually around my nose and lips area).

There is 60g/2.1 fl oz of product in this bottle.

  • thick lotion locks in moisture in the skin
  • glides onto the skin smoothly
  • absorbed into the skin within about 3-5 seconds
  • does not make the skin oily

  • bottle is heavy as it is made of glass therefore not ideal for travel
  • lotion does not last on my skin for longer than a few hours in very cold weather conditioners
  • I do find there is a heavy fragrance to the products but it is a pleasant fragrance.
    I wouldn't recommend it to those who don't like fragrances products because even after it is applied to the skin, the scent lingers.

I love how thick this moisturiser is, it's perfect for winter skin and it blends quickly which is what you want rather than standing there blending it so much it damages the tissues of your skin.

It is advised to apply a small nut sized amount and wait until the equilibrium temperature is reached? I am not too sure what that means but I apply it as soon as the second step is done.

I love the packaging overall but the jars are made of glass and they are so heavy. They look so professional and tidy in their boxes and kits.

Using this line of products during my coldest seasons has saved my skin from falling apart!I am really glad I got to use all 3 of these products to help my skin to be hydrated the way it did. Infact, I am still using this now and it has lasted me for quite a few months! WOW!

This line of product is not easy to find, it is only available in Korea! It is very exclusive but if you are interested, there is a fanpage on facebook about these products.

I personally think its a great gift for those who suffer from dry skin of a winter time. Each product comes with their own boxes and it is neatly presented.

Graisset - you have been my best friend in my cold winter - Thank You for saving me!


What Is Serum? Why Do We Need It?

Using a serum, it basically is like good bacteria killing the bad bacteria, which is why the skin surface changes. Serums have high concentrations of good quality which gives you maximum results.
Serums consistency should be super-light and not thick like cream. They hold many tiny molecules of goodness which hold a high concentration of active ingredients, they work deep into the layers of the skin to control the signs of ageing and give maximum results to luminous youthful fire skin.
Using a serum can help boost your skins elasticity, complexion, collagen and promote a youthful look no matter what age you are. Age is a fact of life, we can't control time but we can control how fast we 'age' simply by looking after our skin and maintain the routine.

I started using serum in my mid 20's and I wish I used it earlier. To me, using a skin serum before bed/make up application in the day time is the ultimate insurance for fantastic results. Without it, my skin doesn't feel beautified and I highly recommend it to everyone who want good natural skin.

Choosing the correct serum doesn't happen straight away, unless you are lucky but knowing what ingredients in the serums is absolutely important. At the end of the day, you only have one body and skin is the largest organ in the body. Once it is damaged, it's not easy to reverse the process which is why we need to absolutely make sure we are using the right products.

I usually do some research about products before I make a purchase, especially serums. It's easy to pop over to a counter and be impressed by the sales person and purchase, use the product then regret it. Not only are you damaging your skin , but you are wasting money.

There are various reasons to why people don't use serums (or any skin products),
  • excuses - 'not got time' ' too busy ' 'havent thought about it' 'dont want to waste money'
  • they haven't understood the point of products or the important of looking after their skin
  • never heard of serums
  • don't care

I usually look at the main ingredients of each product, as well as the results after a study but that doesn't always apply to myself. We all have different skin, and different factors that give us different skin conditions.

So how do you know the serum works for you? well, ultimately you should see and feel results in a short amount of time. Overnight doesn't give you skin that looks 10 years younger but should give you results to make your skin feel like you have had a week's worth of sleep and had your 3 litres of water a day.
In my experience, I have used serums which not only ruined my face, but gives me pain. Effects of a bad serum include:
  • burning sensation to where it is applied
  • using it for a few weeks/months, there has not been any difference at all
  • lotion is too thick even if I apply a thin layer - not good especially before bed/make up application!
  • false advertisement
  • price too much for what it's worth
  • fragrance too strong
  • breakouts/pimples
  • dry skin
  • more redness

A good serum promotes:
  • plumpy elasticated skin
  • youthful look
  • smoother skin
  • not oily
  • noticeable changes with and without make up
After your face is washed, cleansed and toned, before you apply your moisturiser, you apply the serum in an upward and outward direction before bed and before make up application. Serums don't moisturise the face or give SPF protection, therefore you would apply the moisturiser/SPF after it is set into the skin which is about 15 minutes after the application.

Always remember to look at the active ingredients of the serums before you buy, they are usually alot more expensive than your regular moisturisers but does wonders to your skin!


Holika Holika Prime Miracle Snail Hand Cream

Snail hand cream? What? yeeeeeeeeep!!!!!! Believe it or not, it's a very huge trend in Korea & Asia to use snail mucin skin products! There is a range of it including serum, night cream and foundation.

I bought this snail hand cream when I was in Hong Kong Last winter, along with a few other Holika Holika products and I couldn't wait to try them all out!!

I look after my hands well by using a moisturised hand cream after I wash them with soap. Due to my job, I do wash my hands at least 50 times a day, including using alcohol gel which dries my hands out so much therefore using a good moisturiser is very important to maintain my skins elasticity!

I prefer to not use any skin care products with alcohol in, because it feels like it defeats the object of a moisturiser. There is english text on the box on this product which indicated the ingredients and there is no alcohol included which am happy about!

This product comes in one size only, 80ml, 14cm tall.
The front of this product states : When injured, Snail retains the miraculous renewal energy to heal the wound with naturally constituted snail secretion. The secret of self-healing power of the snail comes from the naturally constructed secretion called ‘Mucin’. It has been Korea's craze because essentially, it means it is a secret ingredient to skin healing which is the main reason why I bought it. Using alcohol gel and washing/drying my hands so much per day damages the skin on my hands so I need mucin on it right?

It claims to:

  • Wrinkle Care
  • Smoothes
  • Softens
  • Moisturizes

It takes only a few seconds for the thick texture lotion to absorb into the skin and has a slight scent to it. Don't know if it's the scent of snail mucin but it disappears when it is moisturised into the skin. To be honest, I have never ever picked up snails and smelt them, and never dreamed of doing that either so I don't know what snail mucin smells like!


  • pretty packaging
  • light to carry in handbag
  • cheap to buy
  • has a flip lid at the bottom which makes the lotion easy to come out of
  • non greasy


  • hard to find
  • doesn't last on skin for longer than half hour
  • doesn't moisturise hands as well as I expected
  • no SPF

I wouldn't purchase this product again but I am glad I had the chance to purchase it!

Finding The Right Products To Use

I like to look good as well as feeling good, so I maintain a daily routine of things to make myself look good and feel good. I care about my uneven skin tone, my old scars, my imperfections. No one is perfect and certainly not even me, but I look after myself the best I can by using the right products.

How do you know you are using the right products? I know which products work for me and which don't from the trial and error or products throughout my life. I have learnt to read up on the ingredients each product has and what the main focus of each product is. It doesn't matter if it is on offer at my local Superdrug/Boots store, or if it is Buy One Get One Free, effectively, I am spending more money on products that don't work and damage my skin.

The biggest regret was not reading on the back of each product I bought, if I see there is pretty packaging then I am sold!! I get so excited I quickly put it in my basket, buy it, go home and use it. If I like it that much then I go back and buy it or try out the same range. I then realised my whole bathroom was full of products and I don't even use them all! Why? because I discover more products that work for me and the rest I just use when I want to, then the whole place is looking like a factory!
Not a day goes by do I look at my bathroom and think to myself ' why did I even waste money on buying all this? ' I simply didn't understand about the products but I just buy them!

Dont make the same mistakes I did, understand the point of the products and understand why it was created! Learn to love yourself and your skin will thank you for it.