Raw salted caramel sauce

 Am a huge fan of salted caramel sauce - it's always the first flavour I reach out to when it comes to ice cream or chocolate treats. I love the combination of the milky popcorn-like flavour with a hint of sharp salt, it's very strange but I am so glad it was invented! 

Now that I am eating more 'cleaner' I decided to try making some gluten free, dairy free flapjacks & the main sauce I was craving for was salted caramel. 

This sauce tastes just like the real deal but without the double cream & sugars, it's a perfect guilt free sauce for a treat! 

You need :

• 1 cup of dates (go for natural/organic) 
• 3 tbsp almond butter
• 3 tbsp agave or organic honey if you can't find it 
• 1/4 spoon of himalyan salt or sea salt
• half cup water

I use everything as organic as possible to make it more beneficial for your body to absorb. I never use table salt , himalyan salt & sea salt has more minerals in which is much better for your body! 

To make:

Soak the cup of dates in half cup of water for 1-2 hours, add all the mixture into a blender (including the water soaked in the dates). Blend until there's no lumps and taste. If you prefer more salt then add it & keep blending until it's all mixed together.

It's easy right? You're all done! 

This can last in your fridge for up to a few weeks so don't forget to label the date you make it - but I don't think it will last too long as it's so yummy !! 

Good luck & have fun

Gluten free matcha chocolate flapjacks

Ever fancied a sweet treat but felt bad about the calories & sugar content? I always crave for a sweetener after my meals especially if the meals were salty, it almost feels like my body is telling me I need to neutralise it. Having said that, I have been trying to cut out the sugars from my diet as my body is having too much, once I start on a sweetener I have too much! Anyone else out there who does the same thing?

Today I had a sudden craving of something nutty with cacao but healthy snack, thanks to a lovely person I met recently she has totally inspired me to make these - Thanks Jayne! 

What did I make? I made a gluten free, healthy-ish flapjack which contained hazelnuts, oats, almond butter, organic coconut oil, raw cacao & natural agave. Combined together it ended up like this!

I also added some matcha powder sprinkled on top to add some extra flavour and altogether it tasted delicious! 
Matcha powder is full of anti oxidants if you buy the real matcha powder - in total
This whole snack idea was totally beneficial! 

I don't have the full recipe just yet as I added things randomly but next time I make them I will add my full recipe as this one was just an experiment !

Love, Strawbeefull

AP24 review

This gives me a reason to show my teeth with confidence

For the past 12+ months I have been using the AP24 whitening toothpaste and it has been life changing for me because I generally don't like the way my teeth look but since using it, it's really changed the way I smile giving me so much more confidence overall day to day.
Why? ................. Because of this combination AP24 from Nu Skin which includes the whitening & anti plaque toothpaste with the unique toothbrush. 

I did try the the anti-plaque fluoride toothpaste in the past but didn't like it for a few reasons but since loving the whitening toothpaste I decided to combine the 2 and give it a go. Well, what can I say? I LOVE the combination because I didn't realise how fantastic my teeth and mouth would feel overall when I use it together and now I can't live without it.
During the time of testing them I used my previous toothpastes in between but realised they gave me ulcers & bleeding gums - whether this is because the ingredients don't agree with my mouth or if it's the fact that am not use to the harsh ingredients I don't know but what I do know is that my teeth, breath, gums and mouth overall feels soooooo clean all day everyday!
I absolutely LOVE how my teeth are looking so fresh and polished, the toothpastes have definitely brought my teeth back to its natural colour which I haven't seen in years. We all have different shades of yellow teeth, I am so glad mine has changed for the better, definately can see a difference. 

Visiting my dentist was fun, she even told me how perfect my teeth have been keeping since my previous visit over 6 months ago. To me that was a powerful moment for a dental professional to notice the changes in the MY teeth especially where I can't see.

If ALL whitening toothpastes give you pearly white teeth then why don't we all have the results? I have tried so many products out there and shame to say, they damaged my enamel & causing my gums to bleeds. Giving the AP24 a try was cheaper than having laser white treatment which would ultimately would weaken the enamel. We only have 1 set of teeth so of course I would want to look after them - wouldn't you?

I would highly recommend to use an electric toothbrush or the AP24 manual toothbrush as it would help encourage the results.

I have been using the combination now for a while & the toothbrush is a must-have because it gently massages the gums as well as helping the toothpaste spread into your mouth. It's designed to help remove 15% of plaque that's collected in your mouth! They were a few great reasons for me to give it a try and now I recommend it to all my friends and family.
There are 3 different colour grips to the toothbrushes that come in a pack of 3 so it's great for sharing in each household.

my results in less than a week


  • My teeth feel super polished & clean
  • Non abrasive
  • Great for sensitive teeth
  • No harmful peroxides - therefore non damaging to your existing enamel 
  • Can use more than twice a day 
  • Each tube lasts for about 2 months - a little goes a long way
  • AP24 is patented
  • has a shelf life of 6 months
  • no side effects after each use- some harsh ingredients made my gums bleed or tongue feel like they're burning hot
  • less frothy formula
  • mild mint flavour with a hint of vanilla
  • pain free

The AP24 whitening toothpaste contains 1100 ppm fluoride, the anti plaque is 1500 ppm.
The hydrated silica is used in the toothpaste as a mild abrasive, its mild to the teeth and gums and does not erode the enamel which is what usually happens.
The Alumina ingredient is a polishing agent hence why we get that polished feel and look to the teeth.


whitening toothpaste - Aqua, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol, Aluminum Hydroxide, Glycerin,  Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, PEG-12, Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Dimethicone, Poloxamer 338, Poloxamer 407, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Oxide, Flavor, BHT, CI 77891, Limonene.

anti-plaque - Dicalcium Phosphate Dehydrate, Aqua, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Dimethicone, Poloxamer 338, Poloxamer 407, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate, BHT, Aroma, Sodium Saccharin, CI 77891, Limonene.

If you are interested in trying this combination feel free to email me or comment below with your email address - this is available world wide.

Love Strawbeefull 

Magic moisture mist

During the times of desperation to cool down what do you do? It's not always easy to jump into a cool shower or a cold pool - ever heard of a moisture mist ? Well, let me tell you why I love this moisture mist & the benefits of it compared to water - yes compared to water. 

I have sensitive skin, leaning more towards dry-combination type majority of the year it's combination. 
During the warmer weathers my skin becomes sticky and sometimes oily, if I am out in the heat my make up would budge especially when am out on a photoshoot - constantly building up make up does not look good most of the time, not to mention the clogging up pores has a massive afterwards effect. When the skin is hot you need to cool it down before it burns or becomes irritated.

I have tried various brands of a moisture-type mist sprays but this one is my number one. I love the unique filter it is, the dewy finish it gives my skin, the price, it's super long lasting, safe for my family to use, the shape of the bottle and most of all, the way it feels on my skin.
For 250ml it lasts me for a few months and I use it every single day from head to toe. I love using it after a shower and after my hair is washed, it makes my hair feel nourished when it's air dried. Very effective when I use the hair dryer - results are fabulous !

Nu skin has a moisture mist called NaPCA spray - it is my holy grail product all year round! I have been using it for over 2 years now, I take a bottle with me everywhere I go and it's wonderful when I go travelling especially when am on the plane - it can help eyes de-puff! 


• holds make up all day
• stops itching skin perfect for people with dry skin
• alcohol free
• scent free
• Suitable for men and women
• Leaves skin feeling refreshes
• Dries within seconds - no need to wipe off 
• Contains hyaluronic acid
• unique filter that releases fine streaks of the product allowing it to distribute evenly 


• only comes as one size over 100ml therefore cannot take it on the plane - I transfer it to a smaller travel bottle to use on the plane

This beauty contains HA or also known as hyaluronic acid which is a key ingredient in the anti-ageing world. It is an effective humectant that helps maintain ideal moisture levels, better than water hence why sometimes our skin dries after a shower and needing to apply a moisturiser. The moisture mist also contains  humectant sodium PCA which helps to stabilise the moisture levels on the skin.

Simple to use, just a simple spray across the face or arms or body, within seconds the product will dry and help restore that moisture loss on to the skin.
A lot of skin care products contain a mineral oil which is suppose to bind and support the skin, I did an experiment to see what the mineral oil actually does to the skin vs NaPCA moisture mist. By doing this I used 2 dried apricots from my local supermarket and soaked one bottle of bio oil and the other one with NaPCA. Results were amazing, within a few hours I understood why mineral oil was doing nothing for my skin vs NaPCA moisture mist helped restore the moisture loss in my skin. 

These have been in the bottles for over 2 years now - why don't you try it yourself with nothing to lose?

If you're interested in purchasing this product contact me for more details, Nu skin products can only be sold by a Nu Skin distributor and I am one of them. 
I have not been paid to review this, it has all been purchased with my own money and my honest opinion. 

Lip plumping using the galvanic spa

I have always thought my lips were very small, I remember I use to stretch them at night when am lying in bed - how ridiculous was I! I was always envious of the other girls able to wear bright red lipstick and looking do feminine, whereas I on the other hand, had the worlds tiniest lips. When I grew up I realised it was ok to have small lips, I would never want fillers as I don't like needles.

I found a new obsession from the Nu Skin range, a lip plumping-collagen filled clear lip gloss proven to give you fuller lips without the use of needles! 
It contains oligopeptide proven to define and contour the Cupid's bow giving fuller definition as it tends to fade as we age. I love how it completes my youthful look on a daily basis, am not getting any younger! 

 My latest must-do is to maximise the lip gloss results by using my galvanic machine simply by using my small round flat head conductor, sprays of the Napca moisture mist over the gloss on the lips and activating the machine over it.

 The first pic is my naked lips, then the middle photo is my lips after using the galvanic over it for 2 minutes, then after about 5 minutes I applied the lip gloss again! 
Results lasted all day and I am so happy sbout the results. Using the galvanic can make the lip gloss up to 70% even more effective! 

If you have a galvanic why don't you give this a try?
If you want to try this product feel free to contact me - have fun!